Ch 17

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Gaeul woke up early the next morning.
She saw krixi sleeping sound beside her.
"when did she come here?" she asked to her self.
She saw that krixi was shifting uncomfortable in the bed. Gaeul noticed that it was because of cold.
She took off her quilt and covered it over her . The warmth made krixi smile in her sleep.
Gaeul stared at her sleeping figure with a smile for a while. Many questions ran on her mind at that time, but she kept those to herself. She wanted to ask out loud but not now.

Gaeul stood up, putting on her sneakers and waked towards the door. She slid open the old fashioned wooden door and walked outside.
Cold breeze hit her face the moment she set foot outside.
"This is refreshing." she said, enjoying the morning breeze.

Attacas morning sky was red as always.
She sighed seeing that "I miss the blue sky." she muttered " atleast this is better than the night sky." she said.
She looked around the yard, there were lavender flowers near the fencing. Gaeul walked to the lavender flowers. She stared at it, admiring its beauty and soft texture.

That's when she noticed a figure at the back yard. That person was stretching his body. 'it must be one of the boys' she thought and walked to the person.
She stopped behind that person.
"Good morning" she said smiling behind that person.
That person turned to her. Gaeul's smile faded the moment she saw him.
Gaeul turned on her heel to leave.

"Wait! "

Gaeul stopped in her steps after hearing Vernon's deep voice.
"am I still making you uncomfortable?" he asked, his words came out low.
Gaeul turned, now facing him " That's not it. " she said. She saw Vernon's concerned look. It made her worry even though she don't want to, especially because of his face.
"it's just that...... I have this urge to slap you across the face whenever I see you" she said.
"if that makes you satisfied. Then you can do it." he said
"What.? Really.??" gaeul asked in wide eyes.
Vernon nodded "you can." he said leaning down a little showing his left cheek.
"but it will pain. Are you really okay with that?" gaeul asked hesitantly.

"I don't think it will, plus your not going to kill me. Are you?" he said.
Gaeul shooked her head and raised her hand in mid air attempting to slap. Vernon didn't flinch, he stayed still. Gaeul kept her hand up hesitantly, not making an attempt to slap. She was mentally fighting with herself. In the end
gaeul retracted her hand, not slapping him.
Vernon felt cold air brushing his cheek instead of an harsh slap. He looked up at her in confusion.
"There is no reason for me to slap you. You are not the one in wrong. And it's not your fault for having the same face as him." she said quietly. Vernon noticed the sadness in her voice.

" He must really be an dickheaded asshole. How could he betray someone like you. He really didn't deserve you. " vernon said. Gaeul chuckled at his words
" may be "she said with a faint smiling.

" so...... shall we be friends. If your okay with it "vernon said hesitantly rubbing his nape . The possibility of her denying his request made him more anxious.
But gaeul nodded threwing his anxiousness away.
Vernon mentally praised himself for making friendship with her.

Vernon smirked eyeing something behind gaeul" so.. I guess I should leave now " he said. Gaeul blinked in confusion." see you later. " he said waving at her and walked past her.
" W-what? " gaeul turned around in confusion to meet with a pair of green eyes.
Mingyu walked to her with a smile.

Vernon looked back at mingyu and gaeul who were conversing. A smile formed on his face seeing them.


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