Ch 15

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"Why the heck is this place this foggy? I can't see anything." chan asked stumbling through the fog. The place was filled with fog so, it was difficult to see whatever stood front.
Chan stumbled forward bumping into someone's chest. He rubbed his head and looked up to see a pair of green eye boring into his soul. He got a lump in his throat after seeing scoups spine chilling stare.
" can't you walk properly" scoups asked dusting the invisible dust in his black Henley.
Chan took a step backward.
"What do you expect me to see in this foggy place." chan asked looking around the place. "I see nothing except y'alls colourful eyes."
Twelve pair of eyes rolled at him in annoyance except the three girls. krixi was so into her own thoughts. Gaeul and yeon seon were talking among themselves about a place in a fantacy drama which is more identical to this.
" stop spitting nonsense and walk"
Scoups snapped back and marched forward.
"What.? Nonsense? " chan hissed and hurriedly walked front but his feet slide accidentally and he lost his balance falling forward before he breaks his nose hitting on the ground someone grabbed him by the collar from behind.
"Do you have a wish to break your nose?" vernon said pulling chan to his feet.
Chan gasped at the mere thought of breaking his nose.
He turned to vernon and smiled sheepishly.

"There it is. The river" yeon seon said pointing behind chan.
Everyone looked at the river which was covered with fog.
"Finally. " chan sighed.

Everyone walked near the river gasping at the view. It was not more deep nor an shallow river. But the flow of water was fast than usual. The fog surrounded made it look like its haunted.
"There is no boat? Then how are we going to cross it?" gaeul asked trying her best looking for a boat in that poor vision.
"We have to swim to the other side" scoups said removing his backpack and placing it down.

"You guys know swimming right? " krixi asked to the trio. Chan and yeon seon nodded at her but gaeul stayed silent.
"You don't?" krixi asked seeing gaeul's unpleasant look.

"I Do but -

" you don't have to worry the water here is not that deep. " krixi said giving her a reassuring smile.

" you always forgot to say whats more important. " scoups entered the scene standing between gaeul and krixi. The bag hanging on his shoulder was now covered with an polythene cover.
" Everyone. " his single word made the other boys to come over to him.
Everyone looked at him seriously anticipating his other word.

"this is River of Mirage. I guess you guys know how hazardous this is" he said looking at the attacans. The boys nodded at his statement.
His gaze swiftly fell on the humans
"but you don't." he said pointing at the humans who were blinking there eyes; not sure of what he is talking about.
Scoups looked at krixi, it's as if they speak through their mind, krixi nodded at him. Then scoups walked out of the group.
"I'll explain it clearly to you guys." she said turning to the clueless trio.
"this river isn't like the normal river you have seen. It shows you the illusion of what you feared the most."
She said in a solemn tone.
"What?Illusion?Are you kidding right now. " yeon seon said almost sarcastically but her expression changed when jeonghan came forward standing beside krixi.
"That's right. It really show you what you fear. So don't give your ear to it, whatever you hear don't get it into your mind." jeonghan said furrowing brows.

"Then what should we do if we got caught into the illusion? " gaeul asked ;her eyebrows pulled up in anxious.
" That depends on your will power. You should snap out of it no matter what. " krixi said .

"good for me I fear nothing" chan said with a proud grin plastered in his face.
The others didn't even gave him a second look and turned to leave.
"What? I'm saying the truth! " he shouted at their back.
He pouted knowing no one listened to him.
Chan heard an roar near his ear which made him jump up front landing on the ground hitting his butt.
"What the fuck " he cursed closing his eyes.
Hoshi stood in front of him laughing.
"someone said they feared nothing!" he smirked teasingly at chan.

Ethereal World //Seventeen ffWhere stories live. Discover now