Part Two

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I took the job! I questioned myself for taking it in a panic but I also thought how great it would be. "Good...Sevika will sort you out." He says. I gave him a light smile and showed my way out. I went back to the bar as I realised I had never paid, the bartender probably didn't ask for money because I was with with Sevika.

I went back down to the place being empty. Weird. I sat back down at the bar and put down my coins. The bartender came from the back room, he glared at me and the coins I had put down. "You know, if you work for Silco, you don't need to pay." He says. Silco. That is what his name was. I had heard rumours of him thought the few years he had taken over, and his drug empire.

Shimmer. It had been finding its way to everyone and people were getting addicted fast. I had never gotten my hands on any and wasn't planning on getting any, anytime soon.

"Treat yourself." I said, pushing the coins closer to his side of the counter. He gave a look to show how thankful he was and took the coins I had placed down.

After sitting their for a couple of minutes, Sevika walked in, "Let's go." She said to me, impatiently. I got up and followed her out. The cold breeze of the under-city hit my arms, but it was a nice breeze. "Where are we going?" I ask her as I walk beside her.

"To prove yourself." She said to me, I gave a light hum back. Once we got to where we were it was late, but still people were on the streets. "Silco wants to see how well you get the job done, see that young man, kill him, he's tried picking fights with some of are men, just to get his hands on shimmer." She told me. We were peering from behind a wall and yet I recognise the man. He was the one I attacked earlier, but this time he was alone. Perfect. "Alright." I say. I bring out my pocket knife and hold it from behind.

I walk over to him, he was facing the other way until I said. "Sorry about earlier, baby..." He is quick to turn around and he sees me, approaching him with a smile on my face. He quickly backs away. "Get away from me, crazy bitch!" I was now close enough to punch him in the face, probably breaking his nose. He grunted before going to the ground. He got back up and tried throwing some pathetic punches at me but I put my knife in my good hand and hit him down with my elbow. He spat blood, I then stood over him. I pulled him up by his hair. "Should think next time, oh, no next time..." I slit his throat and pushed his head back down, he gasped for air before breathing his last breath.

I wiped the bloody knife on my trousers, leaving a nice blood stain. "There...Proven?" I ask, as I walked back over to Sevika. She looks at my arm covered in the man's blood. "Well, Proven." She states. We walked back to the bar In silence. Someone else was ordered to clean up the corpse.

After returning, Sevika and I went back to Silco's office, for her to tell him how well I did. She knocked on the door, the same as last time, and it was the same "come in." Heard as last time. She opened the door and we both took a step into his office, Sevika in front of me.

"Ah, how was it?" He asked, spinning his chair to face the both of us. Again, there was a breeze of air passing by me. Stronger then last time.

"She did well, sir."

"I had no doubts...Prepare the room while we have a pleasant conversation." He says to Sevika, she takes his orders and leaves. He then looks at you, "Please take a seat." He says, gesturing to the couch next to his desk. I nod and walk over and sit on the couch.

He takes a look at the blood stains on my clothing, but says nothing about it. "Do you have, anyone close to you?" He asks, he chair now facing me.


"Not even family?"

"No, I don't. I never knew my mother and my father neglected me." I say, he looked very surprised when I said that. He was intrigued with my answer. "That's a true shame, I haven't had many people that suck by be the past couple of years. But I have someone special..." he says, I wondered why he was telling me this.

"I would do anything to protect her, you understand?"

"I do, that sounds very nice." I say, he looks at me. Sevika knocked on the door, probably finished with her task. "Not now!" He says to the door and then turns back to face me.

"Loyalty, is something I care about very much.." he goes on. "Tell me, what would you do if someone close to you betrayed you?" He asks, looking for an answer.

"I- I don't know..." I replied. "I don't really mix well with others, it maybe depends on the relationship." I admit. Socialising isn't really my strong skill. He gives out a small hum. Like I do.

He then stands up. "Follow me." He says. I stood up from the couch and feel that breeze again. I follow him outside the office and to a room a couple doors down. "Your personal room." He says. I smiled and say. "Thank you."

"I had Sevika get you clothes and everything. I hope this working arrangement works out..." he says. I nod and he walks back to the office, I felt him watch me as he walked back but before he reached the office, I opened the door to the room.

The room being filled with a bed, directing in front of the door. The bed was wooden, a dark wood, with a fluffy throw and pillows on the bed. To the right side of the bed was a couch, a lot like the one in silco's office and the other side of the room had the wardrobe, bookshelves and a rug and a desk.

I closed the door behind me and admired the room, and then I go over to the wardrobe to take a look inside. Mostly black clothing but that worked. It was all so stylish, I guess he wanted me to look good as I was his personal assassin. I didn't know how the job would work, exactly. But it was way better then stabbing cat-callers in the streets.

I take off the blood stains clothes I had on and put some comfortable shorts and T-shirt on, assuming they were pyjamas. And I laid on top of the comfy bed, feeling the fluffy fur before blacking out, sound asleep.

I must of been really tried because I slept through that whole night, no interruptions until the crack of dawn when I heard and loud thumping noise.

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