Part Fourteen

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I woke up still on the couch, Silco had is head buried in paperwork. Shipment supplies and that. I sit up and he lifts his head only to focus back on the work.

I watched as he wrote down stuff about what he needed for supplies and what not. He quickly finished the work and paid all attention to me. "Would you like to go for a walk?" he asks. I nodded my head and he stood up, walked over to me and put a hand out. I took his hand a stood up.

We walked through the streets of zaun. We left a note for jinx if she woke up to all of us gone. We were having a very personal conversation, about past lovers and personal things like that. "Did you ever em, date while we were separated?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Nope. I never dated before I found you anyway." I admitted. He gazed into my eyes. "So I was your first?" He asked.

"First real thing. You know the underground." I laughed awkwardly. He knew what I was implying. "You never told me before? You should've, that's really traumatic y/n."

"I mean, I've never told anyone before!" It was as if I was yelling or something. I was finally cracking... "y/n, are you alright? Your yelling."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean too." I say bringing my voice down. Are attention goes to a group of Silco's workers, in an alley next to us. And there slagging off their boss. "Will you excuse me?" He says before going to deal with them.

I stood in the alley alone. I looked alone while Silco was dealing with those goons. "Hey sweetcheeks." Another one of his workers approached but towards me. "You out here all alone pretty pet?" What a sick bastard.

"No, I'm waiting for my boyfriend."

The man takes a look around. "I don't see no one good enough for you." Silco made is way back towards me, this sick man was very close to me. "How about we go to my place, have a few-"

Silco coughed behind me, bringing the man's attention to him "Eh- sir- I was em." Silco stepped beside me. "Is that how you treat a taken lady now?"

"Eh no sir."

"Then just hope I'm not firing you for trying to take what clearly belongs to someone, never mind your boss."

"Eh yes sir, sorry sir." He said before scrambling off. "That sick bastard." I scoff.

"Would you like to head back?"

"Yeah, god what a jerk though."

"He'll be paying for it later, don't you worry."


When we got back Silco had a meeting with someone so I decided to make something to eat. I never knew how to cook but a knew an easy recipe for a soup I'd make while on the run.

It was easy to make over a fire but hopefully I could make it taste better with proper food.

It went very well. All the vegetables I used were completely fresh. Unlike when I used to make it. "Mm what's that smell?" Jinx says as she walks in behind me. I give her a smile and reply. "I'm making lunch, would you like some when it's finished?"

"Yes please!" She replies. She sat down behind me and I forgot she was even there. I finished adding the last of the chopped vegetables and felt someone wrap their arms on my lower waist. "What you making, love?"

"Some soup, would you like some. It'll be done soon" I felt him kiss then back of my neck. I smiled and turned. I see jinx over his shoulder. Sniggering away at us. "Eh hun." I say gesturing to Jinx who's now laughing as Silco turns to see her.

He takes his arms off me and we step back. "I thought you to hated each other!" She laughs. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well, Jinx. Me and y/n, are eh...well."

"Woah! No! I'm fine! I know! I know! Sevika told me what that stuff was! I'm not listening blah blah blah..." I started laughing at Jinx's reaction.

"Of course Sevika told you.." he muttered. She was still not wanting to hear anything. "She needed to know at some point.." I whispered back and then went to go check on the soup.

"It's nearly finished." I say.

After it was finished I served it up and all three of us sat down and ate together. "How was your sleep,jinx?" I ask. She finishes a mouth full and says. "Good! What did you guys do? Actually- do I want to know."

"We just went for a walk, we caught quite a few workers slagging off as well." I told her.


After we all finished Jinx went up to her room and I stayed back doing dishes while Silco had seconds.

"When did you have the time to learn how to cook?"

"Oh, this lady helped me when I was on the streets. She was an older woman, she'd invite me in but I wouldn't want to be an intruder so she'd start a fire and teach me how to make stuff over the fire." I told him. "She pasted years back but I wouldn't be here without her."

He smiled in return and stood up. He passed me his empty bowl. "That was amazing love." "Thank you, darling." I said as I kissed him on the cheek and continued to wash the dishes.

He stood watching me. I chuckled as I knew his eyes were on me. "Enjoying the view?" I ask. "Those are new." He said as he noticed the scars on my bare shoulders and the sides of my stomach.


I took the dish towel and dried my hands, I then slightly lifted my cropped top to reveal the giant scar left from when I was impaled. "That's my best one." I say. "It as the most meaning as well." I chuckled.

He kissed on my lips, I took my hand on his cheek once he pulled away. I rubbed my thumb of his scarred skin. "What time will you be finished working?"

"I don't know, Princess."

"It's okay, I can keep jinx occupied. We should all do something together soon, it'd be fun."

"Of course."

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