Part Twenty

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Please take care of yourselves, go get food and water you deserve the world <33
Warning: this chapter starts of smutty
(Also a good part for y'all simps w/ daddy issues)
-Gregoryhub :)

"You liked being called mother?"

"Would you like to be called daddy?"

He hummed in reply. He considered it. I move over and go on top of him. Raising his brows at my naked body touching his. "Would you like some? Daddy..?" He liked it?  I go under the covers that hung behind my back. He was already turned on.

I get low enough and put his member in my mouth. My tongue going crazy as he liked it in his mouth and down there.

His soft moans from above made it so obvious that he loved what I did. Slowing down, speeding up. Up and down.

Once he was close I let him cum in my mouth. Swallowing the saltiness. After swallowing I came back up from under the covers and wiped my mouth.

I then laid down next to him. "That's enough for tonight, I'm tired." I tell him as I smuggled into his side, before he wrapped one arm around me. "You really liked being called daddy mhm?" I asked.

"Do you have a preferred pet name, darling?"

"I like being your princess."

"Is that so?" He asks, looking down at me. I peer my eyes up and then turn over on my stomach, lifting myself up a little. "I do, darling works too." I say before going going up and kissing him.

He smiles as I settle back down. "Night love." I say to him. "Sleep well, my Princess"  

"You should be more thankful! I put a roof over your head!"

"Papa I am thankful!"

"Oh please! If it wasn't for you, me and your mother would be so happy!"

"Papa I didn't want her to die! I love mamma!"

He smacked me across the face and I fell on the floor in pain. "Papa!" I cried. "Please! Please don't go!"  The door slammed shut. The pain was for eternity.

"Little brat!"


"Why'd you take all the food you little shit!"

"I was hungry and you were gone!"

Hit across the face.

"Why did you leave me!" I repetitively scream over and over and over.


I gasped as reality hit me. I was at home, in bed with Silco. Both of his arms were on my shoulders. I just starred at him until I broke into tears. I sunk into in chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around me.

This was the first time since me and my dad fought. The first nightmare. I thought I had gotten rid of them.

Silco stroked my hair and tried to calm me. It didn't  affect me before but it did now. I definitely did.

"Don't cry, Princess, your safe, safe with me." He comforts me with a soothing voice. I lift my head up from his warm, bare chest. "My knight in shining armour?" I joked, trying to cheer myself up.

"Yes." He chuckled and pulled me in again, steady my breathing. Returning to a normal pace. "Come on, back to sleep." He says, lowering the both of us back down, to lay on the bed. "I don't want to sleep, I-I'll see-"

"Shhh...just think of something that makes you happy."

I exited my room and noticed Silco's office door open. I stand in the doorway and watch them.

He was braiding her hair, it was so cute. They didn't notice me. They both sat on the floor. I was obsessed with the idea of a family. This family.

Moments like this made me forget what happened earlier. All my attention was this. This moment. Watching Silco do jinx's hair. It was adorable.

I woke up the next morning alone. I slight panic same across my mind before the door opened to Silco. He was fully dressed, hair slicked back as usual and in clean clothes.

He came through with a tray of food. He really enjoyed taking care of me. He was so sweet in that way. He kicked the door closed and came over at sat on the bed. He passed me the tray, putting it on my lap.

"Your so sweet." My voice croaked. "No more firelights investigating, you need to rest." He tells me. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my coffee. "You know-"

"Princess, you need to rest, get your thoughts in order. I want to spend with you before you go."

"It's going to be a few days."

"Still, I'll miss you."

After me and silco shared are breakfast. He left me to "rest", I first went to shower and then I got ready for the day.

Of course I wasn't going to "rest". I'll just take things easy. I know Silco is concerned about me but I hated resting. I had to be doing something.

I was disappointed when i got to the kitchen with my dishes.
Silco said you needed stuff for making your food for tonight so I got some stuff for you.


Of course he had taken care of it for me! I wasn't pissed but slightly annoyed.

I started to chop the vegetables for the soup I was making. "Happy progress day!" I heard screamed from behind me. I jumped. "Happy progress day to you too, Jinx." I laugh it off and focus back to my hand to see I had sliced far into my finger. "Fuck" I muttered before rushing over to the tap and running the cold water on it.

"Can I help with dinner?"

"Of course you can, once I put the stock cube in the water, you can help me put in all of this, but put the leaks in last." I tell her as I then proceed to scavenge for a plaster or bandage. I went through it pretty far, I big hack in it. Jinx peers over at me and seems the big hack in my finger. "How about I finished dinner and you tell me what to do?" She asks, the kind soul knew I was in pain. "That wouldn't be so know what, yeah, your gonna need to learn one way or another." I say to her.

In the next 20 minutes I supervised jinx making the soup. She was really good at following instructions. After we were finished I put the pot on the stove on a low heat to keep warm while I prepare the rest of the things (setting the table, getting dressed into fancier clothes etc.)

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