Part Thirteen

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In the next 2 weeks we all got to a new normal. I'd spend all my time with jinx. Showing each other inventions or something that we are both interested in. We have alot of things in comman which is why we get along so well.

I would barely see Silco. And i knew he distanced himself just to make me comfortable living with him again. Seeing him now and again didn't bring back any bad emotions. It actually brought back comfort.

At the beginning I thought it was stupid. Why would I go back to him? Ha! He couldn't love me, not again but by the end of the last week I kept over thinking.

The time we were like a real family.
That's what i always wanted.
It was back, the opportunity was back.

I was getting myself obsessed over one moment. I needed to clear my head.

I decided to go to the docks. Yes it was in piltover but going late a night would harm no one. I would go armed incase anything went wrong.

I picked up my two pistols and small dagger and headed out. Once I got to the docks it was so calm. All my thoughts calmed. We could try? But does he even want to?

Then I heard footsteps behind me. My reflexes went straight to holding a gun up to the mysterious person behind me. Silco? I quickly lowered the gun after seeing him. "You scared me." I say as I put the pistol to the floor. "What are you doing out here? At this time?" He asks. Wait? Did he follow me? "Where you following me?"

"No, I wasn't following you. Technically I seen you headed in this direction and wanted to join you."

"Mm" I hum back. He sat down next to me. His legs hanging over the water. His shoes were getting a little wet. Mind he was taller than me. "Something on your mind?" He asks.

"Do you ever wish to redo your actions? Like a huge regret you think about almost everyday?" I ask him. He took a second to reply. "No, but sometimes I wish I could relive the same moment over and over again."

I looked up at him. We made direct eye contact. It was as if we both wanted the same thing. But I wasn't too sure.

"It's getting late. We should head back." I say, standing up. He hummed in agreement. He stood up and now I was looking up at him. We were so close. That's when he did it.

It took his hand and put it behind my hair at the back of my neck. He didn't need to pull my neck in because I was already going for him.

He let his tongue explore my mouth and once again I was taken away with how good of a kisser he was. His hands were so soft. Touching the back of my neck...

I felt the door swing open violently as I was pushed into it. His soft hands touched my cold body. "Silco- wait." He pauses a looks at me.

"Maybe we should stop. Build a relationship first." I had to admit. I had trust issues but he agreed. He nodded. He kissed me on the cheek and said. "Goodnight y/n." I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him. Hugging him tightly. "Night." I say before pulling back. He steals one last kiss and exits the room.

I had cured my overthinking.
So he liked me still.
I'm glad things didn't change.

I woke up in the familiar feeling of my bed to hear knock on my door. "Mmm." I grumbled, it being too early for me. I then heard the door open but didn't bother looking.

"Jinx wants us up."

"Can't she wait~" I fuss. Turning over to my other side and then sunlight hitting my face. I block the sun with my hands. "She seems eager to show us something. Come on, she'll burst if you don't get up" The voice joked. It was silco obviously. I felt a kiss on my forehead and I then properly opened my eyes.

I sat up and he was right in front of me. I reached for his neck pulling him in for a proper kiss. After that I finally decided to get up. He quietly exited the room, leaving me to get dressed. I threw on some casual clothes and left my room. As soon I shut the door jinx came up to me a grabbed my wrist. They were both waiting at the end of the hallway for me.

I smiled at her and she took me and Silco to an empty alley way. "Right! Watch this!" She yells happily. She takes two things out from her back. In each hand she rips of something with her teeth. She throws them both far in the alley, one landed in a bin, one rolled under.


I over my face with my arms as a quick reflex and uncover to see the bin ripped to shreds. "Jinx! That was amazing!" I say running up to her hugging her tightly. Once I pull away I noticed how sleep deprived she looks. "Jinx? When was the last you slept?"

"Mm?" She hummed in reply. "Were you up all night working on these?" She nodded her head knowing what I was about to say. "When we get back- bed."

"Uh fine!"

"I'm very impressed Jinx. But y/n's right, your young and should get your sleep." Silco said to her. We walked back together and jinx rambled on about how she made them but the whole time I was focused on Silco. He paid so much attention to jinx. I'm glad he didn't neglect her over the years.

They had a bond. Though Silco seemed a bit cold at times. He loved her. Unconditionally.

When we got back jinx headed to bed. Me and Silco went to his office. We both sat down on the couch. I snuggled up into his side and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You'll do anything for your little girl mm?"

"Who jinx?"

"Who else?"

"She's got a good heart, I hope she never loses it. I hate the fact she was abandoned."

"But she's yours now." I say. I feel his hot breath on the top of my head. "And she loves you too." A wide silence fell into place.

That was until Silco broke that silence. "Darling, I have to get up to work." He says, I snuggled my self into him making myself more comfortable. "It's too early." I complain. "How about you take a nap while I work. We can spend some time together after?" He suggested as a compromise.

"As long as you stay here. In the room"

"For as long as you need, love."

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