Part Eight

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Again with the trigger warning! Also mentions manipulation!!

It was around noon. I was sitting at the bar with a soda in front of me until I heard some older fellows fighting. I sighed and stood up.

Everyone knew me. The streets of zaun had heard whispers of a violent women who had never revealed her face. Working for Silco, which is why they're were not as many jobs recently.

I put my mask on and walked over to them.

"You heard me!" One of them screamed at the other. "You shouldn't of been such a dick!"

"That's it-" before the man could touch the other I had stood in their way with a pistol in each hand, aimed at their heads.

"Wouldn't advice that."

"Fuck off, bitch, the adults are talking." I shoot a bullet through his ear.

"Get the fuck out of my bar." He stands down and runs off. The other one stood there. "What you looking at! Get out!" He didn't move. He kept starring.

I attached the other pistol to my waist and brought out a dagger moving closer to the man, but as soon as the dagger got close he grabbed my wrist. Everyone was watching. He made me drop my weapons. Then he let go. That's when I seen the scaring on his hand.

I stood back and fell down. I starting having another panic attack. Everything went cold, and felt distant. I heard the muffling words off. "Alright! Shows over get out of here!" Called out. I took off my mask revealing my face to try breathe better.

"Are you alright?" I hear as Silco's kneels down in front of me. I don't answer. The man behind Silco was non other than my abusive father.

Silco stands up and turns around. "You stay away from her and this bar! Or so help me I'll have my strongest men find you and make your suffer endlessly!" I hear him scream at the top of his lungs.

It was so overwhelming. I blacked out. I didn't know what to do and my mind was racing.

I wake up on the uncomfortable couch of Silco's office. He wasn't in the room. I was alone, I sat up and remembered what happened.

"Silco you lier! Get out here! That wasn't the deal!" Someone screamed while pounding the door. I hold my head up with my hands and walk over to the door. "Silco's not here..." I say opening the door to reveal my father.

But when I opened the door it was too late. Silco stood behind him as he tried to stop what had already happened.

"What deal?"

"The deal-"

"Y/n! I can explain."

"The deal so I could see you again."

"What." My voice broke. "You- you hired me because of him..."

"Y/n, please let me explain."

"You sick- disgusting- I-I don't want to hear it." I then walk off back to my room. I sit with my back to the door and break down. Crying. I felt so manipulated.

"Y/n, please..."

" Away." I said angrily.

I sat there for around an hour before I pulled myself together and then started packing my things. Then I remembered. Jinx. I couldn't just leave her. I wrote her a note with the crayons she left in my room.


I'm sorry, but I had to leave. Something happened and I'll forever be in pain about it. Just know you were never the reason I left.

It breaks my heart to leave, but if I stayed here anymore I'd be in even more pain.

I hope we meet in the future.
Much love
I left it on my bed along with one of my daggers and picked up my bags. I kept the small dagger and pistols for self defence.

I walked down the hallway for one final time. "Y/n! Please." I heard as a creak came from a door.

"Was it real?"


"Did you love me because I sure loved you?"

"Yes! Of course! That's why I backed out! As soon as I met you I backed out!"

"It doesn't change what you did. I was manipulated."

"Y/n, don't go."

"Tell Jinx I love her."

Lots of emotions! I know! Planning on getting better though!

Thanks for all the recent reads! That's insane thank you so much!

I'm going to do a time skip for the next part!

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