Part Twenty-Eight

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Smut warning :)
It had been a week and I was eager to get back to work. Singed insisted I take it slow for another week.

It wasn't just work I wanted. I was very horny too. I thought of all the sex with Silco I've had and needed more. I wanted to ride his member so badly.

That was something we never did before. I craved it. I needed it.

He was working late. Again. So I laid on top of my duvet thinking of our times before that stupid bitch slashed my eye and stomach.

God I hope she died. She caused to much pain. Not just me but to jinx and Silco.

I wanted just to go to his office but I was scared of rejection. But I was thirsty for him.

I needed him.

I sat up and looked to the mirror. I wore a navy blue vest and black shorts. I felt the wetness from thinking about him drip down my thigh as i stood up. I needed him.

I then decided that I don't care if he rejected me so I opened the door and knocked on his office door. "Yes?" Was called out to me.

I opened the office door and stepped in. Closing the door behind me, "Y/n I'll be a couple of hours."

"Please." I whine like a puppy. He then stands up, I walk towards him. "Do you not feel any attraction!? Are you fuckin-" he takes the sides of my face and kisses me passionately. I move forward and push him back onto his chair.

"Please let me, anything you want, please." I pant. He taps his lap wanting me to sit on it. I do as he pleases and straddles his lap and then going back to making out with him.

I lean back for a second just to take of my top and then continued to make out as a felt his lower half get uncomfortable in his clothes.

He starts to kiss down my neck and to my breasts as I undo his vest then his shirt. I let him slide his vest and shirt of his arms before he lets me kiss his neck, up to his cheek, purposely past his lips and to his scarred cheek.

He then forcefully moved my head to his lips, wanted me to quit the teasing. I chuckled at his movement. "Be a dear..." he says in my ear, then looking down.

I smirk and move backwards so that I'm using his knees to support me and I have a go at his belt. I eventually get it off and throw it to the side. I come off him and onto the floor as I take the rest of his lower half of clothes off. Leaving me to have my fun.

I start by teasing him, obviously. I love his enraged face. Makes him less gentle and more dominate. God I loved that about him.

I started by licking his member, one side to another but then I felt the rage of being teased began so I took it all in. Not even making a single choking noise as I took his whole length.

I felt a hand behind me head, but he did not push me onto him. He only put a hand there to tell me not to stop nothing more. I look up to see shirtless Silco groaning with pleasure as I have my fun. I do it as he likes.

Eventually when he climaxes I swallow without being told. I take myself off him and he puts a hand on my chin and wipes my mouth for me. "Your so obedient." He smirks.

"I want to ride it, please.." I beg.

He takes a second but nods in agreement. I stand up and straddle his lap once more but his time, I sit on his length. I perk up with his length inside me, and then go up and down.

I started out slowly but got faster as I got used to him again. His hands fell to my hips, helping know when to get faster for him. I moaned constantly for him. He loved it.

Once I was about to hit my climax he noticed how close I was and sped up. "Silco- I can't go any faster." I moan.

I eventually hit and let out a yelp. God it felt good. Then I felt him hit too. I came off him and sat on his lap.

"You did good my Princess."

After a bit we both put enough clothes on to cover are selves just to rip off again once we reached the bedroom. We got into bed and I laid on his bare chest as he pulled a blanket over me. I relaxed myself. "Thank you." I say to him. "I'd be nothing without my prince." I say while tracing the scars on his chest with my index finger.

I fell into a slumber on him once again. In the comfort of his warmth.

I was in love.

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