Part Twenty-Two

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I'm not a vicktor hater, I rlly like him. It's just a story line so please don't come at me.

Also I just got covid so I'll be writing a lot more :((

"Dead? My aunt isn't dead."

"I'm sorry, I have to leave." I say, getting up and walking off. He called my name once or twice but I kept going. Once I got out of Vicktor's view I started running.

Once I got to the last drop it was around 11pm and the bartender was cleaning up as I walk in. "Sorry, we're clo- oh, how was your night miss?" The bartender asks me. "It was- alright." I tell him. "Closing early?"

"Yeah, boss is letting me go early."

"Well, send love to your family for me." I say before heading up the stairs. I noticed the light on in the office but I headed straight for my room.


I've been living a fucking lie?

No, she died during childbirth!

I was blamed for years!

She's dead.

I repeated these words quietly as I sat on the cold floor with my knees up to my chest, leaning on the side of my bed. "My aunt isn't dead. Yeah well she's fucking dead." I mock vicktor's voice.

My minds racing. My mother. Is. Dead.
Otherwise I wouldn't be such a paranoid fuck.
I wouldn't be so violent.
I wouldn't be so traumatised.
I wouldn't be here.


I look up with wide eyes as Silco opens the door slightly with jinx beside him. Jinx pushes past him and runs over towards me. She runs up to me and hugs me. I still haven't said anything since Silco appeared at the door. I look at jinx.

Jinx. Betrayed and left for dead by her own sister.

That's how fucked up this world is.

She pulled off of me and looks at my face. I'm still silent. Silco and jinx both say something but I can't hear. It's all muffled.

I'm hyperventilating. I can't breathe. It's as if my throat closed up. I tried breathing but the last thing I seen is Silco catching me as I fall to the side. Blacked out.

[Jinx's Pov]

I watch from the door as Silco puts the duvet over (y/n). She was so upset. I was worried, She just passed out on the floor.

I feel a tear slip down my face. Your pathetic "shut up mylo!" I tell him. Silco looks at me. I just sniffle and feel more tears fall down my face.

Silco is now kneeling in front of me. I am fast to wrap my arms around him. "Don't cry, shhh it's okay." I felt him pick me up in his arms. My head rests on his shoulder looking at (y/n) behind him.

He then starts walking and she goes out of my view. I sob even more. "No! She can't be alone!" I sob. I feel Silco stroke my hair. "It's okay, I'll be there."


"Jinx, you need to rest."

"But- y/n!" 

We get to my room and he places me on my bed. "Please take care of her." I cry, wiping my eyes dry. "Of course I will." He tells me. "Now, try not to worry, she's safe with me."

(I only did the jinx POV for showing more of a relationship between Silco and jinx. Father and daughter.)

[Y/n's POV]

I stirred awake with the sunlight hitting my eyelids. I turned over and felt something touch my face. I flinch before opening my eyes. "Sorry..." I mutter.

Silco is laying in front of me. He tried pushing my hair out of my face before I flinched at his touch.

He's laying in his normal clothes, he was already dressed though is hair was a bit messy.

"What happened?"

I say silent, I turn and look to the celling. "My mother- she's, alive?" I say unsure if it was true or not. I hear Silco sigh. He wants a happy life too. Non of these ups and downs we keep having.

"Do you want anything to do with her?" He asks me. He scoots over more closer to me. I look up at him, his sent fills my nose. Safety.

"Maybe? She could be nice, But I could lose my temper."

"And you have that right, how about we find out where she lives and go visit her someday soon?"

"You'd do that for me?" I ask, turning over and facing him. "What if she's not nice?"

"Then we will forget about her, move on, if she causes trouble we can deal with it."

Me and Silco quickly sat up as we heard someone running through the corridor. "Sevika?" Silco calls out as he moved to the end of the bed and stood up.

Sevika bursts through the door. "Some women is demanding to see y/n."

"Fuck." I mutter. She was already here...

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