Episode 49: Ally

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There is an average of 12 ships that leaves the Yokohama port every 2 hours. Minimizing all those carries and containers makes it much easier to narrow down which one's the most suspicious.

But then again, I can't search each one of the ships, alright.

I should just wait.

I casually walked through the port while holding a file of paper I found earlier. They're only brochures but they'll do.

I tried searching for openings but just after 10 minutes, I ran out of-

"Hurry! It should've started by now! If we're late, we're done for!"

This voice...

I ran full speed while keeping my steps light until I found the two guys from earlier now loading a yacht with containers.

"They're 56 miles off the coast by now. It's a gambling ship, they won't go that far."

"If the Port Mafia will catch us, might as well kiss your money goodbye!"

How lucky.

"You should know, whatever organization that'll catch you at this point, money isn't the only problem you'll bound to get."

I hopped inside the boat with them without greeting and opened one of the containers which revealed smuggled firearms.

"Who's the- FUCK!"

"Wha- aniki?!"

I knocked the other guy easily, with the other one coming quickly to charge at me with a knife.

"You bitch!"

"Shh, you're too noisy."

I caught the man's wrist and twisted it till it was broken. After he let go, I then knocked the back of his neck which rendered him unconscious.

I threw them both out of the yacht.

"Let's see...all calls. No texts. How convenient."

I placed the phone I got from the men into my pockets and started the yacht up, heading in the direction of the sea.

They were about to leave earlier, so I assume the one they're tracking is already on this radar.

I should speed up before that rat escapes again.


"Oi, Dazai, what on Earth are you scurrying around there?" Kunikida stood up irritatedly and went to see his partner meddling in the screen of the port's ship tracker.

"Working..." Dazai replied boredly while scanning the records.

After finding nothing about the hacked cruise ship in the port logs, he stared to the ceiling, contemplating whether he should call Yuko to check.

Mm...if I cling onto her too much, she'll probably get more cautious with me.

But then again, where she is right now?

Dazai thought.

"Workers...bystanders...maintenance...dockers...person reading a brochure...what else? Should we call for Tanizaki's help in hacking the system too?" Kunikida was about to pull out his phone when his partner suddenly popped out beside him.

"Let me see..."

Dazai peered through the monitors, examining every person that passed by until he recognized a familiar figure walking by, reading an out-of-place brochure while in the port.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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