Episode 16: A Song Of Beautiful Goodbye

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"On the whole, all people are good, or at least they're normal. The frightening thing is that they can suddenly turn bad when it comes to the crunch."

That's why it's easy to draw the bad side of every person, especially when they're driven to the corner, huh?

There are no exceptions.

As I laid down the book I'm reading to the bedside table, someone knocked at the door.

I returned to my confinement room in the afternoon after Dazai and I spoke. I then slept for the rest of the hour as soon as I got back. I don't have any watch with me so I think it's already night?

Who would visit at this hour?

Surely not Dazai; he would just barge into my room if he were.

Besides, the door can only be opened with a keycard so...not to mention the guards outside.

"Yes?" I said in a low tone, watching the door slowly opened.

"Sorry, did I disturb you? Dazai said you're still awake at this hour so..."

The room was only lit by the bedside lamp but even if it's dim, I can clearly see him.

I smiled.

"No, it's okay. I was just reading."

Odasaku entered and took a seat at the chair across from me. Watching him sit in a dimly lighted room; he looked weary, if not brooding.

"Why are you there? You can sit here..." I patted the side of my bed.

"My clothes are dirty." He replied.

"I don't mind."

"I smell, Yuko."

Is he shy?

"No, you do not."

He didn't reply, he just stared at me like an idiot.

Why is he being difficult?

"It's hard to talk to you if you're there, Odasaku." I finally complained.

Still, no reply.

"If you're not coming here, then I'll sit there, too!" I smiled to my bright idea.

Odasaku groaned and looked at me completely defeated.

He stood up to remove his coat, then walked towards my bed and sat beside me. His feet were still touching the floor.

"Did you drink?" I said while sniffing him.

There's a hint of alcohol in his scent.

"Yeah, Dazai and I went out for a bit." He said, also trying to smell himself.

I chuckled and leaned my back against the wall.

"I see..."

Odasaku pulled one of the pillows behind him and put it in front, he then also leaned his back on the wall.

Our position were the same; two people trying to fit inside a small bed with their backs leaning against the wall. Both of us not really sure what to talk about.

"Here...a thank you gift for earlier." Odasaku then suddenly handed me something.

For earlier?

He's probably talking about when I stayed up looking after him while he's unconscious.

Does that need a gift?

"This isn't a bomb, right?" I tried to joke while lifting the small box.

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