Beast X Dead Apple 10: Back To You

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Ah, this scent...

Hmm. It feels like it's been years before I smelled this scent again. It's a good smell.

It smells nice...wake up, Yuko, so that we'll know what smell is that!

As I opened my eyes, the first thing that came into my view is a bright light shining down on me and I ended up shutting them again.

So bright...don't tell me I'm in heaven?

Did I die?

If so, it's good to know that I'm welcome in heaven, though.

"Yuko, are you awake?" I heard someone's voice.

I feel sick. My body felt like it's been dumped with several tons of cement and left me barely alive. I remember falling from a building together with someone and the last thing I saw was complete darkness.

I tried opening my eyes again, looking beside me where there's a shape of a person. My vision slowly adjusted and I saw that it was a man.

A man wrapped up in bandages up to his neck.

His dark brown wavy hair were brushed upwards and he looked like he just finished coming out of the shower, wearing his sweaters and pants.

I see...he's the one who smells good.

I wonder why he looked worried yet relieved at the same time?


"How are you feeling?" He said while continuing to hold my hand.

My eyes went to the hand he's holding to. He's been holding it ever since I woke up. I then noticed that the ring was gone...I guess I'm alive after all.

More importantly, this man...

I was a bit hesitant to speak.

"Uhm...who are you?" I raised my eyes at him.

The man paused.

He looked a bit alarmed as his lips instantly turned into a grim line, his smile fading away. His smile quickly turned into something serious.

"Are you being serious?" He said.

What serious?

"I just want to know who are you...and where am I?" I started scanning the room before returning to him.

My question somehow caught his attention. He looked like he wanted to say something but there was no voice coming out. As his eyebrows furrowed, I saw his lips parted and he immediately leaned towards me.

"W-What did you say?" He said in a hurry. "Yuko, what can you remember?!"

His hands tightened around mine and I felt his ability activating. He was using his ability on me.

What is he doing?

"Shit! Damn him...damn that shit..."

Did I say something wrong?

The man kept cursing in the air before taking his phone out and then calling someone.

"Yosano-san? She's awake. No...there's something wrong with her head-"

He looked really worried.

So weird...


He stopped talking after he heard me. I kept a straight face but then he was already looking at me suspiciously. He immediately put down his phone. 

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