Beast X Dead Apple 4: Caught in Action

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Hi! If you noticed my consecutive updates, this is because I already drafted this arc in the past weeks, when I was still busy for my exams. This is a payback for the slow updates from before.

I'll do my best in not keeping this arc too long, by the way, because we might only end up crying. Jk!

Thank you so much for reading!

Odasaku was already gone when I woke up. There was already a breakfast prepared at the table and I think it was for me?

Being a wife, I must say that I am terrible at it.

I ate everything despite not really tasting any of it. I also took a shower and immediately dressed up.

I found another cabinet which contained some of my clothes and changed into a white sweater and beige pants. I also found spare gloves and wore them together with my boots.

I was starting to feel unwell. I didn't have the energy to tie my hair and so I just let it loose.

This will be my first time to experience a cold.

I never really got sick back in the real world, only here. And I must say that the feeling sucks.

I'm sure it'll go away later though...hopefully.

I told Odasaku I'll be in Tokyo today.

Have I informed Yosano-san about this? No?


I immediately searched for my phone and texted Yosano-san. This should be sent here, right? It's not like the signal would pierce to the other world. 

After a few minutes, I got a reply. 

Mad Doc (Yosano Akiko): Uh...okay, hehe.

That should be fine, right? Does she usually say 'hehe'?

I went out of the apartment, wearing a cap on my head as a disguise. I'm not really going to Ginza, I'm just going to search where I can hide for the meantime while waiting.

Anyway, what should I do for today?

I feel sick...

I stopped by in a convenience store, buying some random medicines that might help. I also bought some foods and drinks, though I don't really know why.

Where should I go? 

I walked through the busy streets and my head was starting to get more dizzy because of the crowd. 

I paid a cab to bring me to the border of Chiba, just past the long bridge that connected it to Yokohama. There was a small park right after the bridge, where I decided to take my rest.

In this world, I worked at the Armed Detective Agency.

It's supposed to be easy trying to blend in but then with Odasaku also being there, it became a different story. I wasn't expecting it.

I laid down on the bench, covering my head with my arm.

I was having a fever, plus the headaches. 

Just wonderful. 

"Oh? Isn't this a surprise...what are you doing here, bimbo?"  I heard a familiar voice.

I raised my head and squinted my eyes to see Chuuya standing beside the rails with a grin on his face. 

He still looks the same.

I mean, he didn't change much at all. For example, his height...he's still short.

I wonder if we're on good terms in this world? He still calls me bimbo, though. 

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