Episode 41: Armed Detective Agency

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"Ah! It suits you well, ma'am. You look like a model!" The attendant said after I finished changing.

"Ah, is that so? By the way, these are ready to wear, right?"

"Yes! We've already dry-cleaned them after you paid. It's all clean." She replied nicely.

Nice. This shop is really nice...

I didn't bother looking around for other stores where I could buy my clothes, I just went directly with the first one I saw. Good thing they're not that bad.

I chose to wear a pair of light-gray pants and a purple tank top since Yokohama's weather is a bit hot for me. I just then added a black cloak that hung just above my shoulders so that it'll be less revealing.

I also found some gun holsters in a nearby shop that almost looked like a normal belt; partnered with my preferred black boots and a pair of black gloves, I was already good to go.

I was satisfied with my clothes, they're both comfortable and functional. Not to mention they're cool. Hehe.

For the rest of the morning, I bought my regular clothes and necessities, as well. You could say that I went for a shopping spree.

I then went to a service center to have my phone fixed.

"Hm...It's repairable, ma'am. It will be done in two to three weeks." The manager smiled at me.

Two to three weeks? That's too long.

"Can you do it for three days? I'll pay for it in double."

"E-Eh? Uhm...three days is a bit..."

"Triple." I added.


Wait a minute, that's a bit too much, isn't it? Paying in triple?

I know I shouldn't spend my money carelessly but then I needed my phone to be fixed so badly. And this manager, right here, is clearly taking advantage of it.

"I changed my mind, I won't pay in triple. I'll just look for another service..." I said boredly.

The manager quickly took my phone and gave it immediately to his worker. He smiled nervously and started writing my receipt.

"Of course, we'll get it done in three days, ma'am. We have all the parts available in our store, we can finish it as soon as possible!" He then said confidently.

It's so obvious that he just wanted me to pay.

"Is that so? That's good to hear. I'll come back tomorrow then, make sure it's all done." I smiled.

The manager looked a bit confused after I told him 'tomorrow'.

Well, if I'm paying it in triple, also with the fact that the parts they need are already available on-hand, then there's no reason for it to take any longer, right?

"Tomorrow it is, right? Manager-san..." I probed, giving him a sharp look.

The man sweat-dropped and nodded his head. He gave me my receipt after I paid for it in full.

That was easy.

Now, what should I do next?

Dazai said that he'll see me later, where is he pertaining to, exactly? Not to mention he's in a bad mood, too.

Should I buy him some peace offering?

"Miss, do you need some help? I can carry them if you want." A man offered his help while I was walking in the shopping district.

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