Episode 15: To See Beyond Of What Is Seen

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"These are the possible areas where we can find their hideout...I have no idea how to hack into the government's satellite, so it's a pure deduction from here." I said while circling out several places on Yokohama's map.

Dazai examined the areas and had his men prepare him some records and footage of where Mimic was last seen.

He was good at analyzing every detail needed to track them down. I don't even need to think, my job was only to confirm.

"I see...they're here." Dazai concluded.

It was just on the outskirts of the city, an area that's well-surrounded by the terrain and forests.

"Hm. If it's near then you should hurry, Dazai-san. Knowing that some of their men got captured, they'll relocate in no time."

"I know, but I have to check something. I'll send Odasaku first..." Dazai said before calling Odasaku for the location.

He's sending Odasaku.

"If you don't mind, why send Odasaku?" I voiced out after Dazai made his call.

"Odasaku's currently looking for someone. He has to find him before my subordinates can." He explained.

It's already night.

Dazai has pin-pointed Mimic's location within the day and made his move, too, at the same time.

He's really good at this.

"Aren't you going to rest, Yuko-chan?" Dazai said while sitting at the office's couch beside the bookshelves.

"No. How about you?"

"I'm their leader, I need to stay tuned to their activities."

"I see, then I'll keep you company." I said without looking.

The man that Odasaku's looking for...it couldn't be Ango, right?

For all I know Ango's a spy for the mafia. If he's also spying for Mimic and got in trouble this time, there's a high chance that he'll probably return back to the division after this.

"You know, when Boss ordered me to bring you to the mafia, I really thought that he'd use you against Mimic. Given your ability and all..." Dazai said while resting his head back.

"I thought so, too...but maybe he has other plans." I smiled to myself.

Mori-sensei's definitely planning on something.

The fact that he didn't strike a deal for me to face Mimic, that's even more suspicious.

"Oh, he does. And I'm still working on what it is." Dazai said in a low tone.

"Why? I'm not even trying to figure out what it is, anymore, Dazai-san."

Dazai glanced at me, a bit surprised.

"Why? Of course...you're my friend, aren't you?" He said curiously.


Is he serious?

I thought I was the only one who keeps pushing to be his friend.

"Of course. I'm your friend..." I smiled.

After a few hours of waiting, it's already past midnight when Dazai got a call from his subordinates.

When they arrived at the hideout, it was already burning to the ground. Mimic had already anticipated their move.

Also...Odasaku was found lying outside, unconscious.

Odasaku fell into a trap and got poisoned before he was able to avoid it. Dazai's men then immediately brought him to a hospital that was affiliated with the Port Mafia.

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