Episode 3: Acquaintances

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We arrived at a small complex along the highway and there was a curry shop underneath an apartment.

"Good morning, old man." Odasaku greeted as we entered the shop.

"Oh? You're early today, Odasaku-chan. What's with-" The man stopped as soon as I followed inside.

His jaw dropped after seeing me with Odasaku.

"W-W-What...you never mentioned you have a girlfriend! Man, you sure are sneaky!!!"

Odasaku and I flinched to his remarks.

"No...she's an acquaintance of mine."

"Uhm...I'm Tsushima Yuko, mister." I said while offering my hand.

The man laughed nervously and shook my hands, with the other one rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry about that, Tsushima-san. It's just that I've never seen Odasaku with a woman before, a pretty one at that!"

Oh? Is that so?

"Old man, can you spare a job for her?" Odasaku said.

"A job? Hmm...well, I could use some assistance. Maybe I'll get more customers if she's to be the waitress. " The man replied with an approving smile.


"Are you okay with that?" Odasaku turned to me. 


I'm currently penniless and is living by the mercy of a mafia. Of course I have no choice.

Odasaku and the old man then talked for a moment. He gave me an apron before that and said I can start working immediately.

The salary was basic of course, good thing is that it's given right after my shifts though. 

"Well then...I'll be going. I'll come back later to pick you up." Odasaku said before leaving. 

"Sure. Take care..." I waved goodbye.

The old man was busy looking at us, completely amused.

There wasn't really much people in his shop and so I just kept wiping the tables...chairs...everything...until they were sparkling clean. 

"Ne, Tsushima-san. Are you also from the mafia?" The old man said casually while stirring his pot. 

He knows Odasaku's a mafia?

How come things like that sounds normal to them.

"Not really, mister." 

"Oh? How did you meet Odasaku then?" He pursued.

"Well...let's say he picked me up from the streets. I was homeless three days ago" 

The old man laughed. 

"Man, he really have it bad. Odasaku's a softie you know? Even for a mafia."

I guess Odasaku's really like that?

How interesting. 

"I think I can agree with that, mister!" I said with my thumbs up. 

I continued to work there while Odasaku gave me a place to stay in his apartment. He wasn't always home so he said it was fine.

One day, a customer appeared on the doorstep and his eyes darted to mine first before taking a seat in one of the stools.

He had a wavy dark brown hair that matched the color of his eyes. He was also young and is dressed up really formally for someone who's just eating in a curry shop.

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