Episode 23: A Fated Meeting (Part One)

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"I know." I took a deep breath and replied.

Natsume-sensei's eyes were fixed on me but he wasn't angry. His eyes were trying to examine me, instead.

I was calm, alright.

I know what I was doing. I know it was wrong but I still, I wanted to do it.

If I didn't let my hate out to the dead people, I'll end up letting it out on the living instead...and I mustn't do that.

I must discard this in an instant.

The feeling of hate is scary.

For a second there, I almost lost control of myself. Things would've been different if I hadn't regained my composure immediately.

Now, Natsume-sensei's here.

For him to appear here, he must've expected this to happen. Does he know I was about to lose my control?

"Natsume-sensei..." I called.

"You're the one who woke me up from the Book. I know you're the one who brought me back to Yokohama again."

"Of all times...why? What for?"

"Why did you bring me here?" I said in a low tone.

Natsume-sensei slowly walked towards me and stopped. Pulling a handkerchief from his pockets, sensei wiped the bloodstains from my face.

These blood aren't even mine.

Sensei's face was stern.

"That man...you're the one who made us meet, weren't you? You wanted our paths to cross, didn't you? Why...why, sensei?"

"Tell me...why did I have to meet him? Why did I have to?"

Sensei looked at me with a serious face.

I wanted to hear why. Why did I have to meet Odasaku? This was bound to happen and yet why...why am I here?

Why did I have to be here?

"You and Sakunosuke's paths had already crossed before, Yuko, but I admit that it was me who brought you again to him, this time."

Before? It made me confused.

I don't recall meeting Odasaku before.

Have I met him? If so, then why can't I remember?

Oda Sakunosuke...

Oda Sakunosuke...

"No, it's not possible." I whispered in a low tone.

Natsume shook his head and sighed tiredly.

"All your life you only remembered those you've killed, the lives you've taken...but why can't you remember the lives you have saved?"

"You don't just kill people but save lives as well. You've saved many lives, why have you forgotten that?"

Saved lives...

The lives I saved...

The people I've helped...

I already forgot about them.

My mind was clouded by my own belief that I was someone who's only used to kill that I already forgot my mission.

My mission was to maintain peace...to protect people...to save lives...

To save the lives of the innocent and not.

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