Beast X Dead Apple 7: Signal and Revelations (Part One)

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"Don't slack off, Yuko. You still have 10 pages of reports left"

I, Tsushima Yuko, am now currently at the Agency presenting to my 'work' because apparently, I have been absent for too long.

I was reprimanded by Kunikida-san, of course. It was a never-ending lecture until Yosano-san came to help me. I got off the hook in exchange for numerous workloads.

"Pay attention, Oda Sakunosuke-san. I finished them all already." I said, finally finishing everything after 3 hours.

Our desks were just next to each other. He was just reading a book while I was doing all the work, even including his own reports. The bastard told me it was a punishment but for all I know, he's just being lazy.


"Yeah, check them if you want."

"Nah, there's no need."

I handed all the files to Naomi-chan and went back to my seat exhaustedly. I stretched my arms, feeling all my muscles coming back to life despite being sore.

"Oh, right! Tsushima-san, you haven't met the rookie yet, haven't you? Oda-san got a new recruit." Tanizaki said, helping his sister.

"I haven't," I replied.

"That's alright, he's coming today." Tanizaki smiled. "Oh! Have you told Tsushima-san about our stamps?" He then turned towards Odasaku.

I've never been so conflicted in having no idea what they're talking about.

"I did...I think." Odasaku said.

No, he didn't.

"Eek! The rookie's coming up!" Tanizaki flinched a bit and went back to his desk.

Speaking of rookie, one thing I noticed after spending my time here at the Agency is that Dazai's missing, even Atsushi-kun. I tried looking through the company photographs but then there's none.

Where could they be?

"Yuko, Father called. He's the one who told me you're having a vacation at the hospital, by the way." Odasaku suddenly brought up.

I stood from my seat and leaned against my desk. "Father? On what church?" I asked without looking.

"I'm talking about your dad, Yuko, not a priest. Shuuji-san wanted us to visit him...we'll go later at dinner."

Oh...I have a father here? What kind? A foster father? Or a biological one?

And for the record, I didn't find myself any more curious than that. I mean...I never really wondered about my family or what, ever since.

"Dinner it is then,"

"He also asked when are we going to give him his grandchild." Odasaku then added impassively.

I take back my word...

Just who is this "father"?! Isn't he aware that his daughter is still 22?

"What the? We don't have the time for that. Aren't we taking care of the orphans already?" I replied calmly.

Odasaku raised his eyebrows for a second, putting down his book.

"What do you mean we don't have the time? We just had our 'time' last-"

The nerve!

I quickly kicked his knee for him to shut up. Odasaku crouched down and covered half of his face in silence, shaking in pain. He could've just avoided that, but then he didn't.

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