Episode 34: Hidden In The Shadows

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Dazai and I finished our mini-tour already at night. We managed to finish all our itinerary and still had fun despite the little accident.

All the while to our tour, Dazai just keep on taking pictures of me. I just let him do as he pleases though since there's no real use with arguing.

When we got back, I almost forgot about our bus stop because I fell asleep. Good thing Dazai remembered it, or else we'll be walking another kilometer.

I yawned.

We still have to walk a few meters to get home, and I want to sleep already...

Dazai was humming to himself before he glanced at me after I let out another yawn.

"Here..." He said while lowering his back in front of me.

A piggy-back ride?

"Did you eat something weird, Dazai?"

"Just climb on, Yuko. You're tired, aren't you?" He replied in a calm voice.

He wasn't really doing it on purpose, I can tell that he just wanted to help. I guess even Dazai would also get tired from being hyped-up all day.

"Well, then...thank you." I said and climbed on his back.

I put my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulders. Dazai carried my legs and started walking in silence.

All I can hear was the sound of the snow crunching, and our soft breathing...it was peaceful.


There's something else...

My ears can pick up something moving not far from us and judging by its sound, there's two of them. I tightened my hold to Dazai and he immediately noticed it.

"Dazai, someone's following us." I sighed.

He continued to walk with a smirk on his face.

"To interrupt our piggy-back ride, who's on your tail, Yuko?"

"Dazai, is the Port Mafia still into you?"

We both said at the same time.

Dazai stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. I looked at him impassively.

If it's not mine nor his, who's following us then?

Our question was answered when two individuals immediately appeared and surrounded us.

One at the front, and one at the back.

"We plan to follow you for a while but it seems that you noticed us. It's impressive..."

"Hello, again! How's your cheek, pretty miss?" 

A man and a woman...they're the one from earlier. The lady who got ditched and the man who gave me some bandaid. 

"Ara, to what do we owe the pleasure? I'm sure we've settled everything, didn't we? Ojou-san..." Dazai spoke to the woman. 

I lazily rested my head against his as I was still on Dazai's back. 

Are they here to ambush us? But I'm tired...they should've done it tomorrow instead. 

"Fufufu, we're just starting, Dazai-kun. You see, I really hate getting left out, you know? I hate it." The woman said in a low tone while pulling a gun from her coat. 

"Is she your sister?" I glanced at the man. 

"Tch! Yuko, don't talk to that guy!" Dazai complained like a child. 

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