Episode 4: Night Stroll

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"Tsushima-san, you can leave early for today. My wife and I are going to visit her family so we'll be closed for three days." The old man said with a smile.

I nodded my head and resumed sweeping outside of the shop.

Since I've already managed to save some of my salary, maybe I should go out in the city and look around?

Should I tell Odasaku?

Odasaku would always come at night to pick me up from the shop after his work. It became a routine.

Since it's still early, maybe I should tell him.

But how? I don't have any phone nor his number.

Maybe I should buy a phone.

After my work, I decided to set out immediately to the city to explore. Yokohama sure changed a lot from what I can remember.

Has it become a bit more docile? Peaceful?

No, maybe I'm just imagining it.

As I walked to the streets, I can't help but to marvel at the bustling crowd and it's even just in the afternoon.

When I finally found a shop that sells phones, I almost lost my hope.

85,000 Yen?!

Just for a phone?

100,000 Yen?!

The hell...I only have 50,000.

The economy here in Yokohama sure is scary.

In the end, I spent the rest of the afternoon window-shopping and buying something for Odasaku instead.

I also won from a lottery.

A full dinner set of curry ingredients, which of course I'm going to give to Oda because I have no idea what to do with it.

"Walking around sure is tiring..." I said as I sat on a bench with my things beside me.

I couldn't buy a phone because I bought food instead. I really do suck in handling money, no wonder I'm broke.

It was already night and I haven't gone back yet.

"Hurry up!!! They're going to catch up soon!"

"We're dead if they find us! Aniki!!!"

There were two men scurrying in the park completely dressed in black; they even wore masks. The people who've seen them immediately screamed and ran away in fear as they both have guns in them.

Are they robbers? Why are they running to the park? They'll just get caught.

Sounds of cars and more people then slowly came closer.

Probably the police?

"You! Woman! Come here!" One said as he pointed me with his gun.

"Me? Why?" I said.

He quickly came towards me and dragged me to them.

"They can't hurt us with a hostage, Aniki." He said like it was a bright idea.

My eyes were focused on my goods sitting on the bench.

They better not touch those, those were from my salary!

"I-Idiot!!! The Port Mafia don't care if we have a hostage!" The other one exclaimed.

Did I hear them right?

Port Mafia?

"Did you steal from the mafia?" I asked while they're in a middle of an argument.

"Shut up, woman! Mind your business."

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