Beast X Dead Apple 6: No Going Back

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Warning: Lemons ahead! Please skip this chapter if it's uncomfortable for you.

(This will be my first time writing a lemonade. Read at your own risk...)


"HAHAHA! Noooo! Stop! O-Oda...Stop!!!" I squirmed after Odasaku showered me with tickles.

He kept tickling my sides and I couldn't do anything but laugh. I kept hitting his chest but then I think they were all useless.

It didn't even faze him.

"I won't forget...I promise...pfft!...hahaha! Odasaku, stop! No more...I'll die!"

"You won't die from laughing, Yuko. I'm not that merciless of a partner."

Then why don't you stop tickling?!

He kept doing it until I can no longer feel my lungs. Like, literally, I almost lost my breath.

I gathered what's left of my strength and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him tight just so he couldn't tickle me anymore.

If I still have my Hunting Dog condition by now, this probably would've strangled him to death.

You got lucky, Odasaku.

"Hah...ah...I told you I'm sorry...sorry, Sakunosuke. Forgive me already."

"Stop with the tickles, I can't anymore..."

For some divine miracle, Odasaku finally stopped and supported my back instead. I was able to take a breather. He pulled me up and sat down, making me straddle over him.

Again with this position...after many years, we're still doing this?

"So? How was your torture?" He said while wiping the sweat from my forehead and brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Oda Sakunosuke, have you become a sadist now?" I asked, still traumatized from what happened.

He chuckled.

"No. But it was fun seeing you struggle."

"You've developed a bad habit there, that's not good. As your wife...I would like to file a divorce." I raised an eyebrow, trying to pull a joke.

Odasaku leaned closer until we're only centimeters apart.

"Being the person who asked me out, you've got guts to ask for a divorce, Yuko. Have you thought of asking me about it?" He looked straight into my eyes and then down to my lips.

My lips parted after realizing that he was right.'s the other Yuko who proposed to him, but that would still mean me, right?

"Then, Oda Sakunosuke...ever thought of divorcing me?" I asked seriously.

I closed my eyes as soon as I felt his lips onto mine. He planted a quick kiss on me and paused before continuing.

"No. Why would I want to leave you?" Odasaku pulled the hems of my shirt up and removed it from me so easily.

"Oda, wait! Tell me...did I force you into this?" I asked seriously, completely ignoring our situation.

I imagined the Yuko from this world holding Odasaku by his neck with a knife, trying to blackmail him into marriage. It's disturbing!

Odasaku looked at me dead-panned.

"Why ask me now?" His hands then tried to go to my shorts but I quickly swatted his arm.

Why is he not paying attention?!

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