Episode 30: A Stranger's Surprise

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Woah, that dog really resembles Dazai. Maybe I should take a picture and send it to him?

I reached out my hands and tried to call for the dog lying beside the road. It just looked at me with bored eyes and proceeded to ignore me though.

I want to take a picture.

"I don't eat dogs but if you're going to ignore me, I'll cook you." I whispered in a bored tone.

I was joking of course but then the dog immediately sat up and smiled at me. I then quickly took a picture.

Well, my joke worked so...all is well.

"Good dog. You're cute, by the way." I said before resuming my stroll.

It was still in the afternoon and yet there are only a few people outside. Most of them are inside the shops staying warm, while I'm out here walking in the cold, wearing only my yukata and haori.

I know I'm underdressed but it's not like I'm getting cold. My body's used to almost anything so it doesn't really bother me.

I took out my phone and sent the picture to Dazai.

Me: Look, this dog looks just like you.

Dazai and I haven't seen each other for two years but we do still communicate with each other through messages. We would always message each other for news or random things, and then it became a routine.

Now that I think of it, Dazai's in the underground for two years already.

Shouldn't he be done? I wonder if he already cleared his name?

Regarding serious matters like that, we don't really discuss it over the phone. It's just a precaution since it's valuable information.

We both don't want to put each other in possible danger, of course.

My phone vibrated after a few minutes.

Dazai: No, I dislike dogs. If it reminded you of me, then do you miss me already, Yuko?

Me: Probably. You both have curly brown hair, that's enough resemblance.

Dazai: We'll see each other soon enough. I have a lot to share with you.

Me: Sure, good luck. Anyway, we're in an onsen. I'm going to look around for the meantime.

Dazai: Onsen?! Then that means you're in a yukata?

Me: Yeah, why?

Dazai: I wanna see Yuko-chan wearing a yukata! I need a picture!

Here he goes again.

Me: I sent you one last year, it's the same.

Dazai: That's a year ago. Now's different.

Different? What could be different from last year?

I then sweat-dropped after remembering what Okin-san said earlier...that my chest has gotten fat.

That's unnecessary information. There's no way I'm going to tell something like that.

Dazai: So, where's my picture?

A vein popped beside my head as I quickly typed my response.

Me: There's none. Bye.

I slid back my phone to my pockets and resumed walking around the town.

"Ojii-san, 5 pieces of Taiyaki for me please." I ordered.

"Right away! You can wait here inside, miss. It's cold there." The old man said while gesturing the chair inside his shop and I followed.

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