Episode 17: Daybreak's Starting Point

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"I apologize for this early call, Tsushima-kun. Such a strange way to start a day, isn't it?" He said with a smile.

"Regarding our deal...here's what I promised."

Mori-sensei was sitting comfortably on his desk, my eyes immediately darted to the envelope he slid in front of me. It isn't even daybreak yet when he summoned me; only a few hours after Odasaku left.

I was still awake, I couldn't sleep.

When I entered his office, he was already prepared to start the day. Freshly showered, prim and proper, and his clothes neatly pressed. Looks like he's going to an occasion or something.

"Sensei, if I may...the conflict isn't yet done, am I right? Why are you giving me this?" I glanced down to the envelope.

"Consider it as an advanced payment, Tsushima-kun. As the Port Mafia's Boss, I couldn't be more thankful for your cooperation, you have my gratitude."

Advanced payment?

"...this conflict will end much sooner than I thought." He said with a smile as if he's talking to himself.

Early in the morning and yet there's already malice in the air.

As expected to the Port Mafia's Boss.

"If this is an advanced payment, that means I'm not yet free to go, right?" I said, taking the envelope from his table.

"Yes, and I trust that you'll be true to your word, Tsushima-kun. Our deal's not yet over." Mori-sensei then looked me in the eye.

I smiled.

"Of course."

Something's going to happen, I can feel it. Should I be worried?


When I walked out of his office, Dazai was already outside the door waiting for me.

It was like he's aware of my meeting with Mori-sensei, and popped up instantly for it.

He knew I was carrying the information I needed.

"Just woke up?" I said as we walked towards his study.

"Nope, I didn't sleep."


The air around us was heavy, and it was not because of the fact that we didn't sleep. It's like we both knew something was going on...something's going to happen.

When discussing matters like this, it's better to do it in Dazai's study because he always takes precautions with his surroundings.

Unlike the room I was in, where there's probably a bug hidden somewhere, Dazai's was much safer.

I sat on one of his chairs and he did the same beside me. Dazai watched silently as I opened the envelope and read through its contents.

The first one that greeted me was the Yokohama conflict from two years ago.

The Dragon's Head Conflict.

And Shibusawa Tatsuhiko...

Who's Shibusawa Tatsuhiko?

They were related to my case, the incident at the facility before I went missing; there were footage, images, reports, and traces of what happened that night.

The night before the carnage, there was a satellite record of a mysterious mist suddenly appearing to the facility.

And because it was a small, isolated island; it only took a few minutes before the mist has surrounded it completely.

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