Episode 12: A Gift With No Exception

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"Ara, you look lonely in here, Yuko-chan. Would you like some company?"

I stopped reading and raised my head to see Dazai holding the door open.

"Are you sure you want to spend your free time here? You look terrible, Dazai-san." I smiled while gesturing him the chair across mine.

After I took Mori-sensei's deal, I was immediately brought into my cell for confinement. Well, I wouldn't say it's a real prison cell since they had me in a room instead.

A room with a single bed, a table with two chairs, and a very own bathroom. The room has no windows, just plain white wall, and a door with a small opening to see what's outside. The ventilation also came from the ceiling so it's not that bad.

At least it's a bit cool in here.

"This is a good place to spend my free time with. Besides, I'll keep you company." He said while taking a seat.

I watched him curiously.

"How's your meeting with Mori-san?" He asked.

"Went well, I think. It was interesting."

Dazai stared at me for a while while resting his chin on his hands.

"Heh, is that how you got that?" Dazai pointed to the band-aid on my cheek.

"Yeah. I said something insensitive..." I smiled to myself.

It's been 24 hours ever since my confinement here in the mafia. Mori-sensei said that he'll give me my bargain once they're finished with their matter. This was to prevent me from escaping, I think.

"Mori-san told me about your deal." Dazai slowly leaned back to his seat.

"And I didn't think he'll keep you in here...it's a bit of a waste."

"Yeah, to think that the mafia would waste their time on me. You guys are busy, right?" I said while putting a bookmark to my book. 

"Curious, isn't?" Dazai sighed while taking the book in front of us and began reading its cover. 

When I said he looked terrible, I didn't mean that his face sucks. It's just that the air around him feels heavy, if not suffocating. 

I sighed.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

Dazai raised his eyes to me and smiled, like he was waiting for me to say that. 

He pulled out some photographs from his coat and then handed it to me. 

There were several men, well-covered, in the pictures who're smuggling weapons and such in an armory. The guns they're using were still old-fashioned despite of the fact that they're stealing modern guns. 

So the mafia's armory are being plundered? Not to mention their men are being attacked as well.

"You must have a traitor in your midst, huh?" I commented. 

"Oh? How can you tell?" 

I returned his photographs and leaned back to my seat. 

Is it Ango?

"Port Mafia's vaults aren't cheap, Dazai-san, I'm sure of that. It's an embarrassment if your security would easily fail like that just by force, someone must've gotten them from the inside then."

Dazai smiled.

"There's always rats hiding in every nook and cranny of an organization. It's hard to tell where they are unless they started scurrying around." He said. 

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