Episode 20: Walk Ahead Without Looking Back

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The rain was starting to pour.

I finally got myself out. I sold the page to earn the freedom that I wanted...and yet, I couldn't bring myself to be happy.

I feel nervous.

I ran through the wet pavements of Yokohama towards the old man's place.

Odasaku should still be there, right?

Did Dazai go to him?

Feeling the cold winds and the rain, every raindrop felt like a sting. I continued to run at full speed.

Why does every time it rains, something's bound to happen?

When I arrived at the old man's place the people were already leaving. The firemen and ambulance have already left the area too, and the police were the only ones left for the investigation.

Odasaku wasn't there anymore.

Where should I find him?

If Mimic did this, he won't march to their hideout alone, right?

Dazai said he already found their hideout and he'll take care of them. Odasaku won't go...right?

My phone suddenly rang and I immediately picked it up. I can't believe I almost forgot I have a phone.

I should've called Odasaku earlier!

"Yuko-chan...where are you?" Dazai's voice was hoarse.

"At the old man's. Is Odasaku with you?"

There was a short pause in the line which made me even more nervous.

Dazai didn't speak.

"Where's Oda?"

"Yuko-chan, I'm going to ask Boss for reinforcement. Just stay put for the meantime..."

Reinforcement? From the mafia?


"Dazai, where's Odasaku?" There was a hint of panic in my voice.

The mafia won't send reinforcements for sure, even if Dazai asked for it. Mori-sensei planned this...he's planning to use Odasaku, after all.

"Odasaku's planning to go to Mimic...alone."


I ended the call immediately and rushed to call Odasaku. I resumed searching to the streets, looking for any sign of him.

Come on, Oda...pick up.

He couldn't have gotten far yet since it's still raining.

 After a few calls, I finally heard his voice on the other side of the line.


"Where are you?! Oda..."

I was already drenched from the rain, even my phone. Thankfully, it was still working.

"Yuko, listen-"

"Where are you?! I'll listen once I've seen you."

"I won't change my mind." His voice was grim.

Damn it.

Was I too late?

Was Dazai already late to change his mind?


Odasaku already made up his mind before we could even try. I should've expected this to happen earlier.

"Do you really want that?" I kept searching for him.

"There's nothing left for me...I'm sorry." He said.

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