Episode 40: Tantrums and Abilities

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"Figured you'll be here."

"Hm? Is your job finished?" I stood up from my seat and dusted off the dirt on my legs.

"Yes." Dazai walked and stood next to me, his expression was blank and calm.

He smiled a bit after looking at the grave.

"He'd probably not like it if I called you all the way here while wearing that. Here..." Dazai removed his coat and made me wear it instead.

"Thank you."

Dazai and I stayed like that in silence. As the sun was already setting and the night has come, the two of us finally decided to go.

"The President was searching for you, by the way. He said you can stay at one of our dorms to give our thanks for your help. You're welcome to our agency."

A dorm? That's nice. I thought I'll be sleeping in the streets again after going back.

"If it's not much of a bother, I'll take his offer...thanks."

Maybe I should make a withdrawal to Ango tomorrow. I need to buy some clothes and have my phone repaired.

Should I also start searching for my own place to stay? I'm back in Yokohama after all.

Dazai and I stopped over for some dinner at a small curry house in the meantime. It was his treat.

"You're drinking..." I commented as he ordered a glass.

"Eh~ Just a little bit, Yuko-chan. This day was tiring, you know? I couldn't even greet you properly because of what happened." He lazily dropped his head and played with his whiskey.

I looked at him impassively.

"Okay. So, how was your subordinates after the crash?"

"They're all safe and sound. They did a good job actually until Moby Dick was hacked and the plan almost failed. You arrived just in time, Yuko-chan. Thank you."

"Don't sweat it. I only helped for 5 minutes. Your subordinates did better..." I replied.

I glanced at Dazai and noticed his expression. He looked like in deep thought, looking seriously at our table.

"What's the next one, Dazai? You've defeated the Guild and yet your face looks like the one who'd just lost." I finally said after eating.

Dazai raised his eyebrows before he gave a defeated smile.

"Don't easily read me like that..."

"Yes, we might've defeated the Guild but then it's only the beginning, Yuko." He said in a low tone, drinking his final shot.

"He's on the move. That demon..."

He mean Fyodor? Fyodor Dostoevsky's this troublesome?

"I see. That sounds bad." I ordered some water and the waiter immediately came to us. I smiled at him to give my thanks and he went rushing back in panic.

Is my smile that awful?

Dazai's eyes trailed to me and I glanced back at him curiously.

"You seemed to be relaxed, Yuko. Also, since when did you know how to flirt?" He probed.

I almost choked on my drink after hearing his statement. I wasn't even flirting.

"I was being nice, Dazai. Don't lump me with you...and I'm not being relaxed, I'm just waiting.  I've just arrived in Yokohama, I don't want to stress my brain too much."

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