Episode 26: A Mafioso's Day Off

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I sat on one of the park's benches and laid my head back lazily. I tucked my hands on to my coat's pockets and closed my eyes for a while...

Ugh! I feel sleepy even if it's still early. 

Anyway...that guy's late. 

"Hey, bimbo. Don't just sleep anywhere you like..."

Ah, he's here.

I opened my eyes and boredly glanced at Chuuya who then took a seat beside me

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I opened my eyes and boredly glanced at Chuuya who then took a seat beside me.
Hanging his arms behind the bench, he was sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. 

He wasn't in his usual grandeur clothing. 

I don't know if it's his casual look...no, I don't think it is. The only thing that's the same from usual was his hat.

Is he going to a party or something? Prom? 

It's a joke.

"Were you busy? I apologize if I interrupted any of your schedules."

Chuuya scoffed.

"Yeah, you should be. Why did you call me here anyways? Oh, right! Where did you get my number?!" 

I covered my ears after I was bombarded with a series of questions, especially hearing his loud voice.

I gave him a passive look. 

"You gave me your call card before, didn't you? I saw your number there.

"Oh...is that so?" He said a bit more calmly.

Does he have a limited memory capacity or what? 

"Nevermind your number...here..." I said while pulling something in my pocket and held my fist in front of him.

"What's this?" He said suspiciously.

"Just hold out your hand, will you?" 

He looked at me for a second before agreeing with me. Holding out his hand in front of me, I slowly placed the car key on his palm. His jaw dropped after recognizing what it is. 

"I was planning on paying you in cash but I thought it'd be better if I just replaced your car. I think it's the same model as yours before...hopefully."

"The car is parked outside. Anyway, that's my payment. My debt is cleared now, okay?" 

Chuuya looked nervous as he looked at the key in his hand.

"Wha- What shady business did you get yourself into? Did you sell your organs?" He said dumb-founded.

"Of course not. Do I look like an idiot to you?" I crossed my arms in front.

"Then how did you get this?" 

"Does it matter? Don't worry, I bought that legally, Chuuya. It even has insurance." 

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