Extra : Wolves' paths of evolution (four)

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Terrestrial wolf

- This is one of the four possible (extremely rare) evolutions of the weak wolves.

- Terrestrial wolves are characterized as beings that are as firm as the soil, and as strong as the earth.

- In this evolution the wolf attains an additional element, which is earth,  throughout its whole being. To adapt to the changes, the wolf's body is modified according to an edict set by the natural law of this world's nature.

- The wolf transforms into a two meter giant standing threateningly on its four tough hooves. This gigantic being surpassed an ox when it comes to having an intimidating muscular, thick body. Can rival the king of the jungles, the unrivalled lions, when natural brute strength are the talking point. Armadillos will be in shame if compared to the toughness of a Terrestrial wolf's skin.

- Terrestrial wolves have something in common with the creature of legends, the Terrestrial dragon, guardian beast of the kingdom of Terragon. They shared the same color scheme. Both have brown as the main color of their bodies. They also have some shade of mosy green in their bodies.

- Of the four possible evolutions, Terrestrial wolves is known for its unmatched resilience and tenacity.


Glacial wolf

- This is one of the four possible (extremely rare) evolutions of the weak wolves.

- Glacial wolves are characterized as being as aloof as a master, and as deep as an ocean's depth.

- In this evolution the wolf attains an additional element, which is ice, throughout its whole being. To adapt to the changes, the wolf's body is modified according to an edict set by the natural law of this world's nature.

- There is nothing special with the size of this wolf's evolution. In contrast to its size, a simple glance is more than enough for anyone to tell that a Glacial wolf is a special and intellectual race. Its beauty screams regality.

- Nobilities and royalties alike would be left speechless by a glacial wolf's visage and movements that exudes both dignity and sassiness. Its eyes also ooze mischievous intellect. This paradoxical characteristics create a strong effect for anyone who took a glimpe on a glacial wolf. They can't help but long for the adorable creature despite knowing their wish would remain a wishful thinking in the face of a cold and aloof Glacial wolf.

- Furthermore, its precious, shiny bluish body won't lose out even to the most unadulted bodies of water.Jewels with exorbitant price would have a run for its money against this unreasonable magnum opus of a body.

- Despite its beauty, never someone survived touching a Glacial wolf. Its cold body is comparable to the continent of Permafrost. It is so cold that a single touch would froze anyone alive to its death.

- Of the four possible evolutions, a glacial wolf is known for its irreplicable beauty, wits and smarts.


Tempest wolf

- This is one of the four possible (extremely rare) evolutions of the weak wolves.

- Tempest wolves are characterized as being as fast as the winds, and as violent as a storm.

- In this evolution the wolf attains an additional element, which is wind, throughout its whole being. To adapt to the changes, the wolf's body is modifies according to an edict set by the natural law of this world's nature.

- There is no more fitting statement to describe this brand new race of wolves than, "small but terrible." They are small, only standing at three feet tall. People are often deceived by their tininess. Never did those with evil intentions expected the terror these small but terrible monsters brought to the table. Those who try to mess with them end up regretting their very actions.

- Often mistaken as a harmless race for their size, plus their fur that as white as the clouds, that people relates to peace, is just as often that people with bad nature tries to capture them for money. Those who do witness their real terror. The tidy cloud-like white fur of Tempest wolves transforms into a chaotic order as their rage build over synonymous to that of a violent weather.

- A Tempest wolf chaos starts with its strongest weapon, its tail. A simple swing of it, can behead a person with a wind cutter. The continous wagging motions of its tail can create storms, tornadoes and hurricanes alike that can end a nation.

- Although feared for the same reasons, its cool speed and strength can be appealing to women without exceptions. A Tempest wolf can sweep both monster and human women alike off their feet by using its cool wind and gales.

- Of the four possible evolutions, the Tempest wolves are known for its inimitable swiftness and unpredictable coolness.


Infernal wolf

- This is one of the four possible (extremely rare) evolutions of the weak wolves.

- Infernal wolves are characterized as being as dangerous as the blazing hells, and as explosive as flaming bombs.

- In this evolution the wolf attains an additional element, which is fire, throughout its whole being. To adapt to the changes, the wolf's body is modified according to an edict set by the natural law of this world's nature.

- No actual change in size from his base form but the new body of the Infernal wolf is flame itself.

- This scarlet colored fire-like wolf with a tint of orange inside is a walking disaster.

- An Infernal wolf is known to be as fiery as a raging volcano. Standing near an Infernal wolf is danger in itself. Their fiery breathe is a one-way ticket to hell. It is highly advised to run with your tail between your legs upon the sightings of the said rare evolution of the wolf. There is no shame in doing so if it will save one's life. If it is not possible, keeping an appropriate distance is the next thing to do because Infernal wolves are like active volcanoes which were always raging.

- Untamed Infernal wolves love destroying anything but their most favorite pasttime is killing other lifeforms upon sighting.

- Of the four possible evolutions, Infernal wolves are feared for they are synonymous to the word destruction.

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