3: Never Been Swimming

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Raise A Little Hell- Trooper

❝If you don't like what you see, why don't you fight it?

If you know there's something wrong, why don't you right it?❞

If you know there's something wrong, why don't you right it?❞

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Gwen strolls quietly through the halls with Nancy and Barb, listening to Barb help Nancy study for a test in chemistry. Gwen already knows she'll ace it, but she pays attention anyways as chemistry is a class that Gwen takes with the grade below her.

The Henderson household was weird this morning. Dustin was acting more skittish than usual and blowing off Gwen when she asked what was wrong. She needs school today to get away from home.

"'When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become...'" Barb reads from a notecard.

"Unoccupied space," Gwen whispers to herself.

"Unoccupied space," Nancy answers.

"'A molecule that can-'" Barb is cut off by Steve Harrington snatching the cards out of Barbs hands.

"Hey!" Nancy complains, walking after Steve.

Tommy comes up behind Barb and sticks his wet finger in her ear which makes Barb flinch away.

"Cut it out, Tommy," Gwen rolls her eyes. Tommy obnoxiously rolls his eyes back in response while Barb gives the girl a tight lipped but grateful smile. Gwen and Tommy have had a bad relationship after Gwen had punched Tommy square in the nose for bullying a kid last year. Ever since then, he stays clear of Gwen as much as he can.

"I don't know, I think you've studied enough, Nance," Steve says as he flips through the cards. Carol comes by and stands next to her boyfriend, Tommy. She gives Gwen a slight smile.

"Steve-" Nancy starts.

"I'm telling you, you know, you got this."

"So does Gwen," Carol smiles. "I swear you ace, like, every test without even trying," Carol has always been friendly towards Gwen, and Gwen never understood why. She doesn't shy away from being pissy with Carol when she's being a bitch. Her best guess is that Carol wants Gwen to help her with homework or something and she's just marinating her to agree.

"Now, on to more important matters," Steve stacks up the cards and looks back at Nancy. "My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him, 'cause, you know, she doesn't trust him."

"Good call," Tommy interrupts. Gwen can't help but breathe out a small laugh.

"So are you in?" Steve asks Nancy.

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