72: It's Time

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Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Bryce Miller/Alloy Tracks Remix - Journey, Steve Perry

❝Someday love will find you

True love won't desert you

You know I still love you

Though we touched and went our separate ways❞

Though we touched and went our separate ways❞

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The group crowds together nervously under a small playground slide in front of the bat-covered Creel house, waiting for Erica's signal.

"Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three," Erica says from the other side.

"Oh, god," Gwen sighs nervously.

"She's in. Move on the phase three," Robin says into a walkie talkie.

"Copy that. Initiating phase three," Dustin says back.

The group starts to eat distant sounds of Eddie playing his electric guitar, which gains the bats attention as they begin to fly away from the house.

"Okay, it's working. Let's go," Nancy says before they all start to approach the house, all while Gwen shakes her hands out with nerves, thinking about the bats making their way toward her brother and Eddie.

Getting into the house, Gwen cringes at the sight. She's never seen more sickly vines in one place. They all criss cross together along the floor and walls, leaving only a little of the original house untouched. "Jesus Christ," she whispers. She sighs before she begins to hop around the vines, carefully making her way through the house with the others behind her. Sweating bullets, she uses her flashlight to light the way up the stairs until they all make it to the top.

Staring at the door that holds Vecna, Gwen pulls her knife out as the others bring out their weapons. They're about to go in before the ground below them begins to shake. Steve tries to balance out the three girls as they all close their eyes tightly. It's not long before the ground stops shaking and silence overcomes them.

They let out sighs of relief, but it doesn't last long before a vine attaches to Robins foot. Robin stares wide eyed before she's pulled to the wall as more vines hold her in place. "Help!"

Gwen rushes forward using her hunting knife to slash at the vines while Nancy hits at them with the end of her shot gun, and Steve does the same with his axe. Bringing down his axe again, Steve's arm is yanked by another vine with pulls him onto the opposite wall. Nancy yelps as her foot is caught, and Gwen tries to grab onto her, only for another vine to reach out and connect around her arm.

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