38: Abrupt Wake Up

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Everywhere- Fleetwood Mac

❝I wanna be with you everywhere❞

❝I wanna be with you everywhere❞

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Steve quickly shuts off the 8:00 am alarm before it's blaring beeps can wake Gwen. Before getting out of bed, he looks over at his girlfriend who still lays in blissful sleep. He can't help but smile, and while he's tempted to move the hair out of her face, he doesn't want her to wake up just yet.

Even with the half open mouth and a smooshed face on her pillow, Gwen still has a way of making Steve feel happy.

Steve slowly gets out of bed, slipping on sweatpants and a t-shirt and making his way to the kitchen. There, he puts together a breakfast for Gwen which consists of strawberry yogurt and a banana.

Yeah, Steve wishes he could make her a romantic breakfast like a fruit plate or pancakes with whipped cream and blueberries in the shape of a smily face on top, but Gwen has to have the same thing every morning. The one time he tried to make her something different, she had a small breakdown which ended in her crying because she felt guilty that she couldn't eat what Steve had made her.

Steve doesn't mind though. Anything he can do to make her happy, he'll do.

Steve finishes cutting up the banana and plops it onto a clean plate, putting a small bowl of the yogurt next to it. He brings the plate with him into his bedroom where Gwen still lays fast asleep. He places the plate of food on his nightstand.

Steve looks back over at his girlfriend one last time to admire her relaxed features. Half her hair cascades over the pillow while the other half lays over her calm face, a few strands being blown away by her own steady breath.

So adorable...

"RISE AND SHINE!" Steve shouts, moving his window curtain to the side to allow the sunlight to beam straight onto Gwen's face.

"Wha-!" Gwen flails her arms around before accidentally falling off of the bed, taking the covers down with her. Now wrapped in a cocoon made from the duvet, she struggles to poke her face out of it. When she does, she squints through the sun to see Steve smile sweetly at her.

Steve picks up the plate of food and holds it out. "I made you breakfast," he smiles.

"I hate you so much," Gwen deadpans.

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