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My eyes slowly open as my alarm clock beeps. I grumble and smack it to make it shut up. I blink a few times to get used to the bright light of the morning sun. I yawn and rub my eye. I gently wipe away the eye boogers on my other eye since I didn't have an actual eye there. Anymore. I look at gizmo who was on my other pillow and I smile. I gently pet him and he stretches and moved a little then fell back to sleep. I sit up and grab my prosthetic and a glass cup. The glass cup had sink water in it with my glass eye. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I set my prosthetic down on the edge of the sink and the glass cup next to the faucet. I yawn again and walk out of the bathroom. I walk back into my bedroom and to my dresser. I open the drawer and I grab my classic dark grey sweater. I close the drawer and open another right above it. I keep my boxers in there. I grab a random pair and close the drawer and open another, below my shirts drawer. I grab some light red jeans that have some rips at the knee. I close the drawer and walk out of my bedroom again. I walk into the bathroom and I set my clothes on the toilet lid. I know, it's not the best spot to put clothes but listen, it's clean and there isn't really any room for a sink counter in this small ass bathroom. I take my shirt off and grab the clean sweater and put it on. I take off my boxers and put the fresh clean ones on, then my jeans. I then gently pull my hair out from under my shirt. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I'm ugly. My face has scars everywhere due to.. Well.. I don't want to think about it. I wash my hands and dry them off then I grabbed the glass eye from the cup. Once I got it adjusted in my eye socket I dump out the old water and put fresh water in it. I then open the mirror above the sink and grab my brush. I gently brush my hair then put the brush away. I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach in the mirror. I grabbed 2 hair ties and I neatly sectioned my hair. I put my hair into pigtails then I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from the mirror cabinet. I close the mirror and turn the sink on and I damped my toothbrush.

Once I was done brushing my teeth I opened the cabinet once again and put my toothbrush and toothpaste away. I sighed and grabbed my prosthetic. I held it up to my face then moved my hands to the back of my head and strapped the straps together. I gently pulled my pigtails through the two straps and adjusted my prosthetic after. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom, turning the light off behind me. I walk back into my bedroom and grab my phone from the charger and my bag which was leaning against my nightstand. I also set my glass cup back down on the nightstand then I walked out of my room. I walk out of my apartment and to the elevator. Time to meet Todd and Larry at the front doors of Addison Apartments.

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