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I've been working on this stupid project for hours and Sal still isn't back. Okay.. Maybe he was a little right. Maybe I was jealous. It was currently 5 pm. Sal left around 12? Maybe 1. They didn't have anything to eat in this stupid apartment so I had to go to the gas station for some snacks. I wasn't really too hungry because I ate lunch earlier. Sal's dad left earlier this morning to go to work. He hasn't gotten back yet, which I'm kind of glad about. He's honestly a dick. I sigh and put my shoes on. Sal gave me an extra key he got from the guy who owns this place a while ago. So he gave it to me. Usually he never locks the door but when he's gone and his dad is gone or asleep he'll lock it. I left the apartment and locked it behind me. I then left and went to the elevator.

Once I finally got back Sal was still gone. I was kind of getting worried about him. Why was I worried? He has a dumb over protective friend with him. He'll be fine. I grumble and walk back into Sal's room.


I was currently at Ash's house with Larry, Neil, and Todd. We were watching horror movies. I forgot all about Travis until I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was already 7?! "Shit- Uh, sorry I have to go." They all turned and looked at me curiously. "Why? You have a date?" Larry nudged me with his elbow and laughed. I rolled my eyes and didn't laugh. "I have to work on my chemistry project dumbass. Unlike some people I don't have a partner. And I haven't been able to work on it yet because SOMEONE had to come over yesterday. And I had to hang out with you guys today." Larry rolls his eyes. "Cmon Sally faceeee!" I grumble. "Yeah, no. See ya guys on Monday." I wave to the others and I walk to the front door. I put my shoes on then I leave. I quickly started walking back to the Addison apartments.

"Travis? I'm sorry I was gone forever." I took my shoes off and locked the door behind me then I walked to my bedroom. I opened the door and he was on the bed with gizmo. "Hey." He looked kind of pissed? And worried. I walk over to my bed and sit down across from him. "Sorry.. I didn't realize how late it was." Travis nodded. "It's fine Sally face. I did the rest of the project so we can do whatever." That made me feel bad. "You did? You didn't have to do the whole thing Travis- I could've-" he cut me off by leaning in. "I said it's fine. So it's fine." He smiled and leaned away. "A-Alright so do you want to play some video games?" I look at Travis and he nods. "Sure." I smile under my prosthetic and stand up.

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