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I walked over to the bleachers and I didn't see anything. But when I walked off the bleachers I heard them under me. I hid behind the stairs of the bleachers and peaked over to them.


The stupid church boys were trying to fight me again. "Get the fuck off of me!" I quickly shoved him off of me making the other pissed. "Oh? You think you can fight back Travis?! You're weak!! No wonder your father hates you!" He quickly swung for my stomach but missed. The other then punched me in the face. My vision was blurry for like two seconds but now I was on the ground being kicked. "Hey! Quit it you pricks!!" Who the hell...


They started to kick Travis. "Hey! Quit it you pricks!!" I didn't really know what I planned to do but I guess I'm helping Travis. "Oh if it isn't the stupid teachers pet." The two rolled their eyes. I grumbled. "What was that?" I roll my eyes and stare up at them. "What fun is it to pick on someone that doesn't deserve shit?" I ask them. I get it, Travis bullies me whenever Larry isn't around, but there's obviously a reason. "So now you're sticking up for your bully?" They chuckle at me. "Just fuck off dumbass!" I glare at them and they roll their eyes again and scoff. "Whatever. Fucking fag." They then walk off. "What the hell? I didn't need your fucking help Fisher!!!" Travis hisses my name out of his mouth and walks away but trips me too. I sigh and walk back to the building.

I was now laying in my bed, about to fall asleep. I really hope I don't have another nightmare. I don't want to deal with them right now. Or ever. I sigh and turn over to look at gizmo. He was purring in his sleep on my pillow. I smile and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and sighed. Another day of boring school. I gently pet gizmo then I grab my prosthetic. I walk out of my room and into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my face was all bloody. Blood dripping down my face. I look at my hands which were covered in blood... Wait.. Now where was I? My hands didn't have blood on them anymore. I look up to see where I was and there she was. Mother. "Mommy! Can I go play with a puppy I saw earlier?" We could hear the dog barking in the distance. "Can't we wait for you father to come back dear? Then we can all pet the puppy together!" She smiled at me. I shook my head. "No! I want to see the puppy really bad! Please mommy!!" She chuckled and sighed. "Alright dear, just wait by the trees while I get my purse. I won't be too long." She smiles and I walk off to the trees. I accidentally ended up walking to the dog. But is it truly a 'dog?' I reached out to pet the dog when it became something terrifying. A long, scrawny body. Ribs visible. Dark as midnight black fur. Red, evil, hatred eyes. A medium length tail. A snout, pretty big ears, sharp, deadly teeth. "MOM-" I got cut off when it leaped at me. I could feel my eye being mauled. My face being mauled. Terror in my eyes as I weakly tried to shove it off of me. Everytime it bit harder. I heard someone running. "SAL!!!" Mother. The dog was kicked away from me and I quickly got picked up. She started to run when I got shoved to the ground again...

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