Twenty Nine

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"But I don't want to leave you!" I chuckled and sighed. "You'll be fine Travis. I'll see you in a few days." He grumbled and nodded. He then stepped into the ambulance and they closed the doors. I watched them all drive away. Kenneth stared at me while the cops drove away. I giggled and grinned.  I turned and started walking back to the apartments.

It's been a few weeks and Travis is happier now that his father is gone. Mrs. Phelps started seeing someone and her name is Violet. They seem happy so far. Travis likes her too. Larry and Ash finally got together and they're pretty happy. Neil and Todd are still happy too. Chug and Maple are together too. It was finally the last day of high school. I was pretty nervous but I'm also excited.

A/N okay, I've honestly lost motivation again so this is where this one is going to stop. I personally don't think this one was as good as the others were, but maybe it was. I'm going to take a break from writing any wattpad stories because I don't feel like writing right now :) but I hope you guys liked this one even if it isn't as good as the others. Personally I don't think I did as good when writing this one but I hope it's still decent. Have a good day and have fun reading. Also thanks for 2k reads on Don't Leave Me :)) bye everyone.

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