Twenty Four

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Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to see travis today. But I was busy unpacking all day. I used dad's old room as a storage room for all the dumb boxes. I did go shopping earlier for food and stuff for the bathroom. I was currently on the couch with gizmo and we were watching tv.


I was leaning against my door because father was drunk and pissed. Mother was still at work so I was basically hiding. "Travis Phelps!! Open the fucking door!!!" He then started to bang on my door. I didn't have a lock because he'd get pissed if I did. So I just had to rely on my body weight to keep this fucking door shut. "TRAVIS OPEN THE DOOR!!!" He started to bang on the door aggressively. Tears slowly fell down my face as I had my face in my knees.


When I got home earlier there was a random jeep that wasn't there before. I thought someone new moved in but when I asked Terrance he denied. Maybe someone got a new car? Whatever. I was currently drawing in my room because there was nothing else to do. I hope Sal is doing okay.. I fucking hate Henry. Sal doesn't deserve to be treated like that because of Henry's dumb job. It's bullshit.


I yawned awake and I soon realized I fell asleep on the couch. I chuckled and stood up. I walked into my room and checked the time. It's already 7 am?! I grumbled and stretched. I guess I should get ready for school.. At least it won't be as bad as my other school. I hope. I took my shirt off and looked at myself in the mirror. I still had bruises all over my body. Especially on my neck and wrists. I shook my head at the thought of what they did to me. I yawned one more time then I walked over to my dresser to get the clothes I needed for the day.

Once I was about to leave I looked at myself in the mirror again. I had my casual black sweater on and red ripped jeans. I had some chains on my jeans and I decided to have my hair down today. I was pretty nervous and I was honestly having second thoughts. What if Travis is back to his normal self? What if everyone hates me like at the other school? I sighed and walked out of my room. My bag was on my shoulders and I smiled at gizmo on the couch. "See ya giz!" I waved goodbye to him and he purred in response. I then walked out of the apartment and locked it behind me. "Time to go back to my normal hell." I chuckled and walked to the elevator.

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