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Me and Travis agreed to meet up behind the school and take a longer route to the apartments. Throughout the day he did shove me around and trip me so Larry didn't get suspicious of us. He didn't shove me hard or anything. Larry did get pissed when he was there. I was currently walking to the back of the school when someone stopped me. "Sal? What are you doing going to the back of the school?" I sigh and turn around. It was Ash. "Uh, I want to talk a long route to the apartments, more scenery?" She looked at me confused then nodded. "Uhm, alright Sal. Well, we're going to my place anyways if you want to come later. I'm driving them there so you'll have to walk, sorry Sal! Hope to see you later!!" She smiles then runs off to the others. I walk out the school and find Travis leaning against a tree. "Hey, we can go the normal way, they're going to Ash's." He nods and stands up straight then we start walking back to the apartments.

Once we got to the apartments Travis was getting the project set up when someone started calling me. "Oh, sorry travis, I'll be right back." He nods and I stand up and walk to my night stand. I grab my phone and leave my room. I answer it. "Hey Sal! Where are you?" It was Larry. "I'm in my apartment, why?" I hope he doesn't plan to come over.. "I was wondering if I could come over! Ash remembered she had to work on her project with her partner and had to leave to pick them up. Me and Todd are almost back to the apartments and Todd doesn't want me to help." I sighed. "Uh, maybe I was planning to shower soon." Maybe he won't want to? But he always comes over anyways. "Alright, I'll come over later then?" Damnit. "Uh- sure..?" Larry then hung up and I sighed. I walked back into my bedroom and set my phone on the night stand. I walk back over to Travis in the beanbag and I sit down in the other one. "So, slight problem.." He looked at me confused. "What's up?" I sighed. "Larry is coming over in probably an hour. Travis' eyes widened. "What?!?" "I tried to tell him no but he wouldn't of listened no matter what. You'll just have to stay in here until he leaves." Travis sighs. "Larry's so annoying. He's like obsessed with you!! Does he have a crush on you or something?!" I chuckled. "No, Larry is definitely straight. And I don't like him like that. He's just never had a friend like me I guess. Sorry travis." Travis rolls his eyes. "How long will he be here?" He stares at me while I think. "Hopefully only a few hours." Travis nods. "He may get here around 5? I told him I was 'showering'" I put air quotes around showering. Travis chuckles. Travis' chuckle made my heart flutter in a way I couldn't explain.. I didn't realize he was also staring at me.


I chuckled when Sal said he was "showering" but then I noticed he was staring at me. His eyes are a perfect shade of blue... It kind of compliments his mask.. I wonder what he looks like under the mask. I then locked eyes with him. My heart started fluttering and I was probably blushing.. What is happening to me! But I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. He started to lean in and so did I. What is happening to my body?!!?! I couldn't help but reach behind his head to his straps...

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