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"Who is this?" Father sounded confused since I called him on Sal's phone. "Hi father, it's me Travis." I heard him sigh. "Where are you Travis?!" I sort of shivered when he yelled. "I have to do a chemistry project with someone. I'm at their house.. Er, apartment." "Oh, alright Travis. When will you be home by?" I thought for a moment. "Uh, maybe 7? Sorry father, I don't know." I heard him sigh. "Whatever. Don't get into trouble boy! Be home by 7 no later!" He then hung up. I let out a shaky breath and walked back to Sal's room. I opened the door and walked in then I shut it again. "Uh- here's your phone back Sal." He looked asleep. "Huh? Oh. Okay. Put it on the nightstand and you can sit down on my bed if you want." I nod and walk over to his nightstand and I gently put his phone down. I walked over to his bed and sat down awkwardly. After what felt like forever I decided to break the silence. "Uh.. Why did you actually help me under the bleachers?" I looked over at him and he sat up and leaned against the wall. "Well, I can't just watch people get hurt, Travis. I can't stand watching people getting hurt." I start to fiddle with my fingers. "Oh.. Uh.. Thank you... Sal.." I don't know why, but I just said thank you. Sal looked at me a bit surprised. "Oh- You're welcome Travis." He then starts to pet his cat on his bed. "What's their name?" I point at the cat awkwardly. "Oh, his name is gizmo. I've had him since I was 8." (I don't know when Sal got Gizmo or when Sal's mom died 🙏) I sort of smile at gizmo. "He's, cute." I didn't realize I said that out loud. "Thanks, Travis. Anyways, want to do something like watch a movie or play video games?" He stared at me and I nodded. "You can pick though, Sal." He nods and stands up from his bed. He walks over to a beanbag and sits down. He pats one next to his and I stand up and walk over to him. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it was. Maybe it will be? I hope not. Because we have a few weeks to do this stupid project...

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