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"Travis honey. Wake up for school." I slowly opened my eyes and mother was shaking me awake. I slowly nod and she smiles and walks out. Usually my alarm wakes me up but I guess I didn't hear it. I yawn and rub my eyes. I stand up from my bed and walk over to my dresser. I grab a casual purple sweater and some blue shorts. Since it's still warm outside I wanted to wear shorts one last time. It's becoming fall soon so it's getting cooler than before. I sigh and walk out of my room with my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I flick the light on and shut the door behind me. I take my shirt off and grab my sweater from the counter. I carefully put it on being cautious of all my bruises. From, father. Once I was done carefully putting my sweater on I took off my pants and boxers. I grab my clean boxers and I put them on, along with my shorts. I look at myself in the mirror and I sighed. I look so ugly. My face always has a bruise on my eye. It never heals. Never. I flip myself off in the mirror then I moved to get my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Once I was finished in the bathroom I turn the light off and I open the door. I walk back into my bedroom and I grab my bag. I'm not allowed to have a phone because father doesn't even trust me with that. Fuck, he doesn't even let me see Phillip from time to time. Phillip is a blue haired idiot, but I like him. He goes to my high school so I see him a lot. Usually we only talk during lunch. I sigh and slouch my bag over my shoulders and I walk downstairs to have something for breakfast.

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