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It's been months.. And no sign of Sal. He basically disappeared. I was too afraid to go to the apartments and I definitely wasn't asking Larry and those fags. I was currently walking home and I recently failed a test and I dreaded going home. I sighed once I got to the front door and I opened it. Mother was already home, she was cooking dinner. Father was sitting at the table, he looked pissed. He stood up and watched me take my shoes off. I hesitantly stood up and looked at him. "Hello.... Sir.." He looked down at me then he smacked me. "What did I tell you if you fail a test?! Can't you do any better Travis?!" I sighed and looked at him again. "I'm sorry sir.. It won't happen again." He rolled his eyes. "Bullshit." He then punched me then shoved me into the table. He shoved me into the corner of the table and my rib hit it. I quickly fell to the floor and he grumbled. "Get up you mistake." I slowly got up and he punched me down again. "Get up." I stood up again and looked down. "Why can't you be a better son?! I raised you and I give you everything but this is how you repay me?!?!" He quickly punched me to the ground again.


"Get up, fag." I stared up at the 3 idiots. I've been taking height growing pills to try and fit in a little. I hesitantly stood up but then they just knocked me down again. Why me?.. "I SAID GET UP!!" He then kicked me in the face. I was completely on the ground now. I was facing the ground and they all laughed at me. "You're so weak! You really thought you could fit in? Look at you! You should just die! No one would miss your ass anyways." They all chuckle and one of them kicked me again. "Jesus weakling, get up." I sighed and slowly stood up. My vision was blurry. "Look at you! You look drunk!" They laughed at me again and one of them knocked me down once again.

Both Sal and Travis

"Get up."


I watched in horror as mother bled to death. I heard dad running in the background. He took his phone out and called 911. "Don't just stand there Sal!! Do something!" Tears poured down his face. Does he even see his son? Blood pouring down my face, I couldn't even see straight. I couldn't even see in one of my eyes. I looked down at my hands, all bloody. "Dad?.." It all went black. "Listen kid, I didn't mean for her to die, but you're lucky your ass isn't in that grave." I opened my eyes and I was in front of a grave. I looked next to me and there father was. "You are not my son."

That's when I woke up from the nightmare.

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