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I yawned and stretched. I was very nervous to start school again. Dad was going out later to buy me a car and go on a date. Not even a week later and he's already seeing other people. Poor Lisa. Didn't even get a goodbye.. I stand up and sigh. I can't do much or say much since I didn't say anything to Larry.. Or Travis.. But I didn't know. God damnit!! I yanked my hair and sat back down. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.

Larry (yesterday)

"Terrance... Where's Sal?" I stared at Terrance and his smile quickly faded. "Oh.. Larry I'm sorry you had to find out by me.. But he moved." Terrance looked away and looked down at his hands instead. "He.. What?.." Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Why would Sal not tell me?!? Why the fuck is this happening!! "Yeah.. Henry told me his job was giving him a better offer if he moved. Sal looked heart broken when I saw him." I almost started to cry. "Thanks.. Thanks for telling me Terrance." Terrance looked up at me and forced a smile. He could tell how upset I was. My voice was cracking everytime I spoke. My vision was blurry and there was a huge knot in my throat. I quickly walked out of Terrance's apartment and I walked back to the elevator. I clicked on floor two. I pulled my phone out and texted a group chat that had Ash, Neil, Todd, and.. Sal.. In.

L:Guys.. Please get to Todd's apartment ASAP.
A:Larry? Why? What's up?
N:I'm already with Todd.
L:Ash just hurry up. Please.
A:Alright, I'm leaving my house now.

I walked out of the elevator and to room 202. I knocked on the door and waited for Todd to open it. He instantly did. "What's up Larry?" I just walked in and sat down on the floor. Todd walked over to me and Neil and sat down on the couch with Neil.

Not long later Ash walked in. "Hey, what's up?"


I walked in Todd's apartment and Larry was on the floor with his head in his knees. "Hey, what's up?" I looked at Todd and Neil and Neil shrugged his shoulders. I walked over to them and stood next to Larry. "Lar?" I sat down next to him and he slowly moved his head. "I.. Guys.. Sal.. He-" My heart dropped. "He what?.." I stared at Larry with fear in my eyes. He leaned back against the wall and I saw he was crying. "He moved!!.." Larry grabbed his face and he let his tears fall. Todd and Neil looked shocked. "What?!" Todd was the first to say anything. "Terrance told me.." Larry looked heart broken. I quickly hugged him and started crying too. Neil and Todd quickly got up and walked over to us and hugged us too. Why would he.. Why?!..


I was in the bathroom struggling to not have a panic attack. Tears were falling down my face and sweat was dripping down my forehead. My palms looked white because I was gripping the sink so hard. I had about an hour before I had to walk to school. I shakily moved my hands and turned the sink on. I washed my face a few times to try and calm down. After a few times of repeating that I finally calmed down. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. I walked over to my closet and opened it. I put a few shirts and pants in it last night.

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