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I didn't know what was happening but next thing I knew Travis was unbuckling my bottom strap. I was about to stop him when it was too late and he already did. "I'm sorry.. I have no idea what is happening to me." Travis admitted but continued to lean closer to me. He gently moved his hand and grabbed my prosthetic then he gently moved it upward. What is happening!?!!! My heart was beating so fast I thought he could hear it. Travis closed his eyes and I didn't realize what happened until he leaned away. Did Travis Phelps just kiss me?!? He leaned away and started to panic. "Shit! Sorry Sal- I-I didn't mean to! God I'm so stupid! I'm sorry!!!" I giggled and gently grabbed his chin. "I'm sorry too." He looked confused but I lifted my prosthetic and kissed him again. "Sally face!! I'm here!!" I quickly pulled away and strapped my prosthetic back. "Shit, sorry Travis... We can uh, talk about this soon.." I whisper at him then I stand up. I walk to my nightstand and I grab my phone then I open the door and walk out. I then shut it behind me.


I quickly stood up after Sal left and I locked his door. I then sat back down on the floor then started to panic. Sal fisher.. Just kissed.. Me!!! I gently brushed my fingers across my lips and I started to smile. It was childish of me to smile but I couldn't stop. But I can't like him... My father would make me go through hell if he knew.. I can't like him... I sigh and lean back on the wall. I then felt tired and stood up. I walked over to Sal's bed and I quietly layed down. It smelled just like him... Cherries... He smelled like cherries.. I silently giggled to myself and I curled up into a ball then fell asleep...


It was midnight by the time Larry left. I tried to get him to leave earlier but that didn't work. I sigh and knock on my door because I knew Travis locked it earlier. "Travis? Larry's gone now, can you uh- unlock my door?" It took a while but the door finally unlocked. I walked in. "Sorry it took so long for him to leave." I apologize to Travis but he looked tired. "Oh, it's fine. I uh- fell asleep on your bed for most of the time. I chuckle and he walks back over to the bean bags. I do the same. We both sit down and we awkwardly sat there. I finally decided to break the awkward silence. "I uhm- I didn't mean to kiss you like that- Sorry if I made it awkward now Travis.." I started to play with my pigtail since I do that when I'm worried. "It's not your fault Sal. Besides, I'm the one who kissed you first.. But, I don't think I'm ready for anything.. My parents are Christian and it wouldn't end well.. You know?" I nod. "I understand Travis. But I can wait for you to think about it more and to be ready!" I smiled under my mask even though I doubted he could see it. "Thanks.. Fisher." He smiles at me then looks at the project. "I guess we'll have to start that tomorrow." He chuckles. I nod and laugh. "Guess so." Travis then stands up and yawns. "You can sleep on my bed if you want Travis. Or the couch, but I can sleep on the couch." Travis walks over to my bed and plops down. He then pats the spot next to him. "You sure?" He nodded and I stood up. I sit down at the edge of my bed and sigh. "Hey uh.. Travis?" I look over at him and he nods. "Yeah Sal?" I awkwardly chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "I usually sleep without my prosthetic on because it's uncomfortable." Travis kind of looked confused. "Oh.. That's a prosthetic?" I jokingly roll my eyes. "Yeah." Travis nodded. "I can face the wall it you'd like." He smiles at me and I nod. "Thanks Travis." He gives me a thumbs up then adjusted facing the wall. I then took my prosthetic off. I didn't really want to take the chance of him seeing my glass eye though. But it needed to be cleaned.. I'll just get up earlier than him. I sigh and take my glass eye out and gently put it in the water. I then turned the light off and layed down. "Night Sal." I smiled. "Night Trav."

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