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I slowly woke up and yawned. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 8 am. I was going to get up when I heard Travis moving. I was currently facing his back because I woke up that way. He shifted over but his eyes were closed. He gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I roll my eyes and tuck my arms between my body and his. My face was gently against his chest while he continued to sleep. I slightly giggled then I decided to go back to sleep.

I woke up again and Travis was gone. Did he see my face? I hope he didn't.. I sigh and sit up. I grab my glass cup and my prosthetic. I put my prosthetic on then I walk out of my room with the glass cup. "Morning Sal." I heard Travis say in the kitchen. "Oh- Morning Travis!" He smiled then he looked confused. "You have a glass eye?" I awkwardly stand there and nod. "That's cool! Also if your worried I saw your face or anything, I didn't look when I woke up." He smiled and it made me feel better. "Thanks Travis." I then walked into the bathroom. I gently set the glass cup on the little edge next to the faucet. I then take my prosthetic off. I wash my hands and start to get ready for the day.


I decided to wait for Sal on the couch. That's when someone knocked on the door. "Sal? You home!!?" It was Larry I think? I grumble and stand up. I walk up to the bathroom door and quietly knock but loud enough for Sal to hear. He opens the door and looks at me confused. I point over to the door. "Dumbo Larry is back." I roll my eyes and Sal sighs. "Alright, hold on." I nod and walk into Sal's room.


Did Larry forget something? I sigh and walk over to the front door. I open it and there was Larry, and ash. "Hey Sal!" Ash smiled at me and Larry waved. "Hey. What's up?" They exchanged glances and smiled at me. "We wanted to hang out with you! It's the weekend of course." I grumbled to myself and nod. "Alright. I need to get something from my room so you can wait in the living room." They both nod and walk in. I walk to my bedroom and once I walked in I slid down the door. "They want to hang out." I glanced at Travis and he rolled his eyes. "Of course they do!" He grumbled and it looked like he was about to pout but he stopped himself. I stood up and rolled my eyes. Well, my glass eye didn't really do anything, but it tried. I walk over to Travis and chuckle. "You're jealous." He grumbled again. "I am not jealous Fisher!-" He got cut off by Larry close to the door. "Dude did you get lost in there?!" I heard Larry chuckle. "Uh- No! I just couldn't find my phone?" I quickly unplug my phone. "Oh! Hurry up Sally face! I'm hungry!!" Larry chuckled again and walked away. "I really am sorry Travis." Travis rolled his eyes and nodded. "It's whatever. I'll work on the project while you're gone I guess." I nod and walk out of my room. "Okay, where are we going to eat?"

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