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It was now Thursday and Sal wasn't in any of my classes still. Maybe he's just sick? But then again Larry was gone too.. He wasn't in my math class before lunch. But the bell finally rang and I walked out of the classroom. I walked to my locker and opened it. I put my bag in it then I shut my locker. I walked to the cafeteria and went in line to grab my tray.

Phillip decided to sit by me today even though he usually hangs out with his other friends. "Hey Phillip." I sat down and Phillip grinned. "Hey Travis!" I rolled my eyes and he elbowed me. I then elbowed him back. "Ow! You dick!" He then elbowed me again.


I made it to school and I started panicking. It was way bigger than nockfells. I sighed and walked in. I got a lot of stares and I saw someone who looked like a teacher. "Uh- Excuse me?" She looked at me smiling then she looked disgusted. "Are you uh- the new kid?" I nodded and she grumbled. "Alright.. I'll take you to the principals office." I nodded and followed her. She walked me to the office and I walked in. "New kid, right?" He looked at me and I awkwardly nodded. "Sal fisher?" I nodded again. "Alright here's your schedule, locker code, locker number, whatever. Just don't get into trouble and have good grades. Whatever." He shooed me and I walked out. I looked at all the papers and I realized this school is going to be hell.

"Watch it freak!!" I then got shoved to the floor. This is the 5th fucking time I've been shoved to the floor, in one day. I stood up and sighed. It was almost the end of the day. Just 2 more classes. Most of the teachers gave me disgusted looks. But every fucking time I walked in a class, all eyes we're on me. Disgusted looks. For every, single, one of them. I walked in the next class which was math. "You must be Mr. Fisher?" A male looked down at me and I nodded. "Sit wherever." He shooed me away and I walked to an empty seat in the back. Some girl was next to me. "Why do you uh.. Where an ugly mask?" I rolled my eyes and ignored her. Like she cares. "Wow. Such a douche." She then kicked me in the ankle. "You bitch!.." I huffed under my breath. Luckily she didn't hear me.

"Grow taller you short freak." Some guy laughed at me and another shoved me. It was the end of the day but these boys decided to gang up on me. The other boy grabbed me by the shirt and shoved me against the wall. "It wasn't smart if you to come here, dumbass." He smirked at me then let me go and I fell to the ground. Another kicked me in the stomach. "See you later you freak~" they walked off and I slowly stood up. Right.. Hell. I rolled my eyes and I started my journey to walk home.

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