Twenty Five

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I walked in the building and all eyes darted to me instantly. I didn't see Larry or the others. Or Travis.. I sighed and walked to the principals office. I knocked first. "Come in!" I walked in and he looked at me shocked. "Sal fisher?!" He smiled widely. "What are you doing back here boy? I thought you moved!" I walked over to his desk and nodded. "Well I did, but I got into a fight with my father and I drove back here." He nodded. "Does Larry and everyone else know yet?" I shook my head awkwardly. "No, I was busy unpacking all day yesterday." He nods. He then moves his chair and opens a drawer. "Here's your schedule. It was supposed to be your schedule for this semester but you moved. Your locker is the same one." I nodded and thanked him. "Now stay out of trouble. Larry's been getting into more trouble since you've been gone." I then walked out of the office and headed for my locker. My first class was.. Algebra. Of course. I sighed and struggled with my locker for a few minutes. I then grabbed a pencil and closed my locker. I walked to Mrs. Packerton's room and I took a deep breath when I got there. I slowly opened the door only to see Travis and Larry. I can't do this. I quickly shut the door again and walked away. No one saw me. I don't think.


I was thinking about random shit when someone opened the door then closed it quickly. The only thing I saw was, blue? I shook my head. It's not Sal. It can't be. It isn't.


I was now leaning against a tree smoking. I couldn't do it. I had my bottom straps unclipped so I could smoke. I leaned my head against the tree and sighed. I was so awkward. All I did was open the door then I couldn't even face my best friend. He probably didn't even know it was me. Because I'm taller. I'm 5'7 now. I did that just to try and fit in. Just to continue to be bullied. I grumbled and sat down. I'm hopeless.


I was currently trying to hide from the church boys because they kept annoying me. I decided to go outside because they never usually check outside. I walked outside and someone was leaning against the tree. I rolled my eyes and walked toward them. I quickly stopped when I was a few feet away from them. All I could see was blue hair. They were facing away from me. It wasn't Phillip. It wasn't.


I just finished strapping my bottom straps together when I heard someone walking behind me. I knew exactly who it was. I chuckled and leaned my head back. Travis then walked closer to me. "You're a dick!" He kicked my in the leg. I flinched a little then nodded. I looked up at him. "Did you even know where I went?" I rolled my eyes and he sighed. "Uhm- No.." I chuckled and patted the ground next to me. He walked over and sat down against the tree. "I moved, dumbass." I chuckled at him and he looked sad. "Oh.. Sorry. I missed you." He quickly hugged me and I hugged him back. "Hold on- You're taller!" He leaned away and looked at me. I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah.. I am." Travis smiled then hugged me again. He then moved and straddled me. I then realized he was crying. I hugged him tightly. "I'm back now. Don't cry trav." I smiled and he continued to hug me.

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