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"What the fuck is wrong with your face?!" Travis stared at me and shoved me into my wall. Earlier he forced my mask off my face and now this is happening.. "Your such a freak! Look at you!! You really think anyone will fall in love with you with that face?! Wait till everyone hears about this you freak!!" He grins and punches me in the face. I slide down my wall and hold my face where he punched it. "You're so weak. No one will ever love you Fisher." He kicks me in the side then chuckles. "You really thought I liked you?! Disgusting fag!" He forcefully grabs my hair and yanks it. He then grabbed my chin to make me look at him. "I, hate you Fisher."

I quickly woke up and sighed. What kind of nightmare was that? Why did I feel upset when he said that last sentence.. I shouldn't. I rub my eyes gently then I grab my phone. I looked at the time and yawn. It was 4 am. I might as well get ready. I stand up and stretch. I felt like taking a shower.


I yawned awake and blinked a few times. I stand up and glide my hands up my shirt. Sometimes I move my hands up my shirt to feel every bruise caused by father. Luckily he didn't do anything tonight. I told him how this weekend we probably have to work on the project and if I could stay at Sal's. It took a while to let him but mother also helped convince father to let me stay there. I had to be at church at Sunday so he agreed that's where I'd meet them. I had to be at church by 6 am to get ready on Sunday. It will be weird sleeping at Sal's for two nights. Maybe it won't be bad? I didn't ask Sal so I hope Larry isn't staying over or anything. I yawn one more time then I walk over to my dresser to get ready for the day.


I awkwardly listened as Todd and Larry talked about the chemistry project. They got each other as partners. "So Sal, who's your partner?" Shit, Travis didn't want anyone to know. "Uhm, I don't know, my partner is gone right now." There was someone in our class that's been gone because he's on vacation. "Oh, that sucks, sorry Sal." Todd smiles at me and Larry pats me on the back. I roll my eyes. "It's fine." Larry gives me a thumbs up and Todd and him continue to talk. If I wanted to try and have a good friendship with travis I can't tell Larry. No matter what.

During algebra travis told me to meet him in an empty classroom during lunch, so that's what I'm doing. I had to put my bag away in my locker first. I finally got my locker open and I shoved my bag in my locker. I then shut it and walked to the empty classroom travis told me to go to. I open the door and shut it behind me. "Hey Sal." I turn around and travis was sitting against the wall on the floor. I walk over to him and plop down next to him. "Hi, what did you need?" I turn to look at him and he looks at me. "Oh, I needed to ask, can I sleep over at your apartment this weekend? We're probably going to have to work on the project and my parents are letting me." "Uh, sure. I don't think Larry would be able to come over anyways because he has Todd as his partner." Travis nods. "Thanks." He slightly grinned at me and moved his head then leaned it against the wall.

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