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I was pretty worried to go into chemistry class today. But I had to. I walk in and sit down in the 3rd row closest to the wall. Travis was in the first row, near the teachers desk. Basically diagonal from me. "Alright class!! Time to start reading off the partners...-" I didn't exactly pay attention until he said my name. "Sal Fisher, and Travis Phelps." I quickly froze and I felt two pairs of eyes lock onto the side of my head. "Alright, get with your partners and start learning about them. And don't forget to meet up today too!!" He then walked to his desk and sat down. Travis slowly stood up and dragged his feet while he walked over to me. He grabbed a chair in front of me and sat the opposite way on it. He stared at me. "U-uh do you want to go to my apartment?" I awkwardly stared at Travis as he rolls his eyes. "Sure, whatever. Faggot." I sigh and he just stared at the wall for the rest of class.

Me and Travis were currently walking awkwardly back to the apartments. Once we finally got there Travis asked, "Uh, do you have a phone?" I quickly nodded. "Can I borrow it?" He looks at me as we step into the elevator and I nod. "It's in my room. I'll give it to you when we get there." He nods and I click the button 4. We wait awkwardly as the elevator music plays. It was obviously something Todd listened to. He must've tinkered with the elevator again. Poor Terrance. I sigh and we walk out of the elevator when it finally opened. We walked into my apartment and I shut the door behind me while Travis took his shoes off. "Want to go into my room? My dad may or may not be home right now." Travis nods. I take my shoes off and we walk into my room. I take my bag off my shoulders and set it next to my nightstand. I unplug my phone and I gently hand it to Travis. He thanks me then leaves the room. Must be calling his parents? Dunno. I walk over to my bed and plop down and lay back and pet gizmo. Most people would pry on Travis' conversation, but not me. I'm not a dick like that. Because people have done that to me, and lots of others before. I personally care about people's feelings.

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