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"Jesus sal!! You're such a mistake!! Can't you ever do anything right?! You're the reason your mother is dead!" Father shouted at me while he was obviously drunk. He then did something I wasn't expecting. He quickly grabbed his wine bottle and threw it at me. He barely missed me and I quickly ran to my room. I shut my door and locked it. Gizmo was luckily in here. I grabbed my ratio and turned it on. "Larry?! Larry please help!!" My dad began banging on the door. "Why the fuck would I help you? Your dead." What? I then was in front of a grave. "Sal fisher, 1984-1988. Died with his mother because of a dog that carried rabbies." What?! How am I dead!! I then turned and there it was. The dog that caused it all. "Listen kid, you weren't meant to die, but I could care less anyways." I started to run at it but I wouldn't move.

I woke up to my dad shaking me awake. "Jesus Sal, I thought you were dead." He lightly laughed then sighed. "We're moving." My heart dropped. "WHAT?!?" He was sober.. This can't be happening.. "It's for my job son.. I'm sorry." I then felt anger. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Why the fuck are you making us move again over your stupid job!! I'm happy here!!" He sighed and looked at me. "I know.. I am too, but we have to.. And I didn't tell you because you looked so happy.." I started to cry. He gently hugged me. "I'm sorry, but we have to start packing." Father then stands up and leaves. He comes back a few moments later with boxes. "Take your time. You aren't going to school today. But we have to leave by noon." He then left again. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 4 am. I quickly reached for my phone but then I remembered that someone flipped it out of my hands then it got ran over. Larry's walkie talkie also ran out of batteries. Damnit.. Maybe I won't be able to say goodbye. I started to cry again. After about 5 minutes I stopped crying and stood up. No matter what I have to start packing.

By the time I was done packing it was already 11:30. No matter what I wasn't able to say goodbye. He's already in school. Father was done putting all the boxes away and it was now just me and gizmo. "Listen Sal.. I'll buy you a car when we get there. I want to at least do something." I sigh and stand up. I hold gizmo and we walk out of the apartment I once called home. He shut the door behind me and we walked to the elevator and stepped in. Once we got to the first floor we stopped by Addison's to give him the keys back. "Oh! Hello Sal and Henry! Oh and gizmo!!" He smiled but I couldn't bring myself to. I started to tear up again. "Sal are you okay?" Terrence looked at me concerned. Dad nodded. "Sorry Terrence.. We're moving." Terrence's eyes widened. "Can you tell Larry if he ever asks what happened to me?.." Terrence nodded. "Thanks." I then grabbed the key out of my pocket and handed it to him. I sighed and walked away with gizmo in my hands. I sat down in the Jeep and let go of gizmo because he usually sleeps by my feet. Which he did. Father then entered the car and he turned the vehicle on. "I truly am sorry sal."

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