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Me and Travis were learning a lot about each other. I honestly liked talking to him. But he was getting ready to leave soon. "What time is it?" He looked at me. "Oh, uhh, 5?" He nods. "I should get going. My dad is pretty strict if I don't get home before the sun goes down. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod. He slightly smiles. "Hey.. Sal? Can we keep this friendship a secret? I don't really want the church boys picking on me or Larry to find out. Or just simply anyone.." I nod. It was an odd request, yeah. But I respect what Travis wants. He smiles. "Thanks Sal. I appreciate that. So I'll see you in Algebra then. Bye Sal!" He then walks out of my room. I sigh and lean back against my bed.

"Sal!! I'm home!" I was watching a romantic movie because I'm kind of a lonely guy who watches romance. And well.. I just want to feel loved I guess. I sigh and stand up. I walk out of my room and I lean against the couch as father walks over to the couch and plops down. "Hi dad." He smiles and turns the tv on. "Hi Sal. You hungry?" I didn't feel that hungry because me and Travis had some snacks. "Not really. My partner for a project left about an hour ago. So I already had some snacks." He nods. "Alright then. I'll be out here if you need anything." I sigh and nod. All he was going to do was get drunk and fall asleep. That's all he ever does if he's home at night. I walk into my room and shut the door behind me. I sat back down on my beanbag and watched romantic movies for a few hours.


Once I got home father asked me lots of questions about what I talked about with my project partner. It was awkward and intimidating. "Alright. Just don't get into trouble Travis. You'll know what will happen. Now get to bed, you have school in the morning." I sigh and nod. "Yes sir.." I stand up from the couch and walk to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me and lay down. I didn't feel like changing. I did take off my shorts because I was hot. I felt this odd.. Feeling around Sal. I've never felt it before. Comfort? No.. What was it?.. Jealousy?.. No... My heart always beated a bit faster when I was around him.. And his voice.. And his room smelled just like him... What? What the fuck is happening to me! I'm straight! God would never accept me if I was a gay sinner!! I'm straight!!! Whatever. I sigh and get comfortable then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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