Twenty One

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I stared at myself in the mirror. I was currently shirtless because I had so many bruises on me. There was a huge one on my ribcage because father shoved me into the table. My bruise on my eye was fresh and looked like shit. I gently grabbed the sweatshirt in front of me and I gently put it on. I was being careful to not touch any bruises. But in general it hurt to fucking move.


I stared at my body in disgust as I looked at all the bruises I had. I had my prosthetic off because my jaw hurt and I had a giant bruise on my face. My body had bruises all over the place and I looked super skinny. I guess that's what happens when you grow an ed because you're too scared to even eat in public. I barely eat at home too. I got a job a few months ago and I've been saving money because I feel like I should. In my guts I feel like something is going to happen and I'll need money. Luckily father did keep his promise and got me a Jeep. I sighed and pulled my shirt on over my bruises. It was Sunday and I had to work today. It was hard trying to get a job with my prosthetic but I did get one. The people actually kind of like me. I worked at a restaurant. I usually do the dishes or I'm a cashier. I don't mind since it's actually pretty fun. I grab a hair tie and I put my hair into a ponytail. I checked the time on my alarm clock and it was time for me to get going. I walked over to gizmo and I pet him goodbye. "See you later giz." He purred in response and I grabbed my keys from the night stand and left.


The apartments seem so boring without Sal. He may be short but he was funny and nice. He could also be rude from time to time. I was currently going to get the mail for mom. She was feeling sick and couldn't get the mail today. She also didn't feel like going in for work so she didn't. I opened the mail slot and grabbed the mail. I flipped through them while going down the elevator and I saw one from.. Henry? I quickly opened it and it was a letter.

Dear Lisa,
     I am so sorry I wasn't able to say goodbye to you before we moved. I hope you understand and I hope you're having a good life. I am quite happy here but I hope to move back sometime. Sal is miserable. He hasn't ate much and he's skinny as hell. He won't tell me anything but I've seen bruises on his arms. I feel horrible but I'm getting good pay and he has a job and he's surviving. He's been taking pills to grow taller. I think at this point he's just trying to fit in.. I wish I could do something but I can't. I hope Larry is doing okay and sal's other friends. I hope to talk soon.
                                      Henry Fisher

Sal.. Oh my god.. Tears started to fall down my face. I gripped the paper so hard I thought I was going to rip it. I didn't realize the doors opened but I did after a few minutes. I walked back into the apartment and I knocked on mom's room. I was still holding the mail and the note. "Come in Larry!" I walked in with tears falling down my face. She looked shocked and concerned. I then handed her the note.

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